Thinking of visiting a Kingdom Hall after 20 years in disguise

by not bitter 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • not bitter
    not bitter

    I have been to my old KH for 2 funerals since I left 20 yrs ago but I don't think they count. So I am thinking of visiting a different hall on a Sunday for the public talk and WT study. I want to go just to remind myself how simple minded it is and to hopefully help me appreciate how wonderful and free my life now is.

    I'm curious I suppose.

    I would attend a cong where I hope I won't know anyone. I would try to arrive as late as possible and I think leave as soon as it finishes but I couldn't guarantee that no one would attempt to talk to me.

    So what do I say if they come up at the end to ask me who I am and why I'm there.

    Deep down I'd like to sow a seed with them but I'm not confindent in what I would say or that I could pull something off. I don't want to be rude to anyone. Remember, I use to be one!

    My brother may come with me for back up but we need a story of sorts.

    Any ideas?

  • sir82

    If anyone talks to you, tell'em you work with a JW and he acts all "weird".

    He won't talk to his parents who are "exfellowshipped" or something like that, and he says Halloween is Satanic, and he's always underlining things in books in 4 different highlighter colors.

    He was talking about how some little kid died after his parents refused to allow him to have a blood transfusion, but instead of being horrified at the death of a child, he was oh-so-happy that the child was "loyal" and how the parents shouldn't cry because he's sure to get a "resurrection".

    He also is always calling his "pastor" or "alderman" or "elder" or something like that, and talking about how many "hours he got" and "placements" - what's that all about?

    You could have some real fun with his.

  • valkyrie

    You've lived in disguise for 20 years?! That is true commitment!

  • skeeter1

    You either say you are visiting every major religioln over the next few months . . .

    or, you say that you are a JW on vacation (forgot all your books back home) . . .

    or, you say you left the Truth 20 years ago and decided to come back to a meeting to see what you thought of it after all of these years. When they ask your opinion. You tell them what you think, in a nice way.

    "It's kind of like reseeing your high school crush, only to see her for every fault now and to find out she's super ugly And, your realize your current wife is more beautiful then ever." That's what I would say in a very nice way. Then, I'd leave.

  • perfect1

    go and satisfy your curiosity.

    Once you go as a visitor- its easy- come in late and leave during the song.

  • blondie

    You've lived in disguise for 20 years?! That is true commitment! I had the same thought valkyrie. You will find the SOS. The WTS likes to pride itself that all congregations are identical.

  • Kojack57

    Hey, don't go there. I have a few talk outlines that I worked up when I was in the CULT. Read those and reality will smack you right in the face.

  • cofty

    The best cover story is as close to the truth as possible.

    You went to the meetings as a child and teenager but never got baptised. You have some fond memories and were curious to pay a visit.

  • LostGeneration

    Or you could watch paint dry....

    Seriously, unless you are going to plant a few seeds with the suggestions above, you won't get a thing out of it.

  • slimboyfat

    Tell them you're Mormons.

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