What's worse is the worshipful zombies gulping down the spiritual piss and roadkill.
Annual Meeting on Saturday
by XBEHERE 13 Replies latest jw friends
Last night at the meeting the announcement was made that the was a HISTORIC meeting, one that it of the utmost importance to attend ( in our region all unbap and bap pub jdubs and minor children are allowed to attend). im going to try and record it if possible. I dont see how 2.5 hours can be used on ine big publication release. but we will see!!
Hoser....the new insight books may be true because starting in January 2014 all talks on the school will be given straight from the insight book "research" books. this is an obvious attempt to keep people from thinking freely and adding things that may not be "approved".
The hyping of assemblies etc. from the platform is par for the course. It means nothing. There will be no "special" annoucement that will require immediate action by all Witnesses.
There may be some new light.
There may (probably will) be one or more releases, perhaps replacing core publications like the Insight Book or Bible.
There will be lots of patting on the back about growth around the world.
There will be lots of hype about worldwide building projects.
There will be some gooey claptrap involving kids.
Don't hold your breath for something earth shattering.