CourtTV - A JW Case

by Mister Biggs 20 Replies latest social current

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Last night (9:30PM EST), CourtTV did a story of a woman who left home when she was a teenager.
    She got involved with drugs and prostitution.
    She soon gave birth to a child.
    She stopped using drugs and quit being a prostitute and took up a job as a Waitress.
    She now gave birth to a son.
    Fast forward six years...
    She began studying with Jehovah's Witnesses.
    She was applying for something (maybe welfare, I'm not sure. I ran to use the bathroom during the commercials and when I came back out the narrator had already said what she was trying to apply for).

    The narrator said that whatever she was applying for required that she disclose who the father is and explain why she is not collecting child support.

    The father of her son was a married police officer who had an established family and a distinguished career.

    She consulted the elders as to what she should do. They told her that she needs to be honest and that she shouldn't lie on the application.

    So, she set up a meeting with the baby's daddy (the cop).
    They got in his police cruiser and he tried to offer her $3,000.00 so that this whole thing could just go away.

    She said that $3,000.00 was not enough.
    They got into a heated argument.
    She slapped him and then he strangled her with a scarf she was wearing.

    He dumped her body in an icy river.

    He ended up getting 10-25 years in prison.

    Oh, one last thing...
    CourtTV interviewed a priest from a church she used to attend and he had such positive things to say about her.
    Guess how many elders gave an interview? Guess how many elders had ANYTHING to say about her (good or bad)?
    That's right...ZERO!
    If she was an ex-JW and she left the JW's to join another religion, would any elder have anything nice to say about her???

    "Who's Your Daddy?" - The Margie Coffey Murder Case

    The body of a young woman was found in an icy Ohio waterway. She had been strangled to death, and most of the evidence had been washed away by the rushing water. Investigators conducted a painstaking examination of the victim's body and clothing, and discovered a tiny clue - hardly bigger than a human hair. That clue would enable police to determine where the victim had been just before she died; it would also lead them to her killer.

  • Gopher

    You mentioned that CourtTV interviewed her ex-priest. Did they even try to obtain an interview with any of her JW elders? If not, that indicates a lack of respect for the JW's (which may be deserved, by the way).

    But if they DID try to interview the JW elders, and they refused comment, it leads you to wonder how much "Love" (tm) they really have for their flock. JW's don't eulogize their dead, they just keep preaching at you. It's as if the life of the dead person and the example they personally set doesn't even matter!!!


    This post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
    Any opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent.

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Hi, Gopher.

    I don't know if they tried and got rejected or just didn't bother to try.
    Draw your own conclusion based on these points:

    -She came from a "religious" household (I didn't hear them say what she was growing up, but they said she had a strict religious upbringing)

    -She hit rock-bottom and turned to religion again (however, it was at the church of the priest who was being interviewed)

    -The narrator said that she then began studying the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses (Why should this have anything to do with her death? Read on...)

    -She was hesitant to go after the baby's daddy. She didn't want to reveal who he was. Ah, but the elder's told her she needs to be honest about it

    I don't have any reason to doubt that CourtTV would have tried to interview an elder or a JW spokesman.

    I agree that a woman (or a man in some cases) should be entitled to child support.
    But, why did she wait over six years to pursue it? Again, she didn't want to rock the boat and she was willing to "lie" in order to get her application approved.

  • Scully

    I did not see this program, but from what I know about JWs, I'm thinking this might possibly be what happened:

    Unwed mother becomes JW, impressed by Watchtower Love™ shown to her during her initial studies with them.

    She requires financial assistance to support her child. Watchtower Love™ does not provide such assistance as a matter of Organizational Policy™. She is directed by Spirit Appointed Elders™, however, to seek government assistance by whatever means are available to someone in her circumstances.

    She ends up murdered.

    Spirit Appointed Elders™ offer no comment, dare they open themselves up to accusations of culpability. If the Organization had programs in place - the way OTHER CHURCHES do - to support people in need, perhaps this woman would still be alive.

    Love, Scully

  • Gopher

    Scully -- you may have hit on the real scenario. "Watchtower Love", yeah -- you go keep warm and well-fed and we're too busy "preaching the kingdom" to offer practical assistance to you!! Talk about loving her to death! So sad, the organization she put her hope in -- and they leave her out to dry!


    This post was not evaluated by any mental health professionals.
    Any opinions expressed are those of a fuzzy, cuddly rodent.

  • dungbeetle

    >If she was an ex-JW and she left the JW's to join another religion, <

    she might still be alive today.

    I wonder how the child is doing?

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Unfortunately, dungbeetle, they almost never give updates about the survivors on these types of shows.

  • rmayer32

    Very sad. The hell of it is though if the cop who was the father thought it was gonna screw up his life by people finding out about this child, what the hell did he think was gonna happen if he killed her?? Some people just don't think.


  • Panda

    I saw this show too. I think she had been raised a dub "fell away" and the minister said she was coming back and sincerly wanted to do what was right. I thought that guy was an elder except the background was of a pulpit w/a cross...unless the tv producers just used what they considered to be an appropriate back drop???

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    You think so, Panda?
    It looked like he was in a church.
    However, he had a tie on. Maybe you're right.

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