One Miracle in my life

by Dawn 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dawn

    Hi all:

    A while back there were some postings asking if miracles still happen today, so I thought this latest story from my life would be appropriate.

    My husband's friend from work lost his father to cancer, shortly after that he lost his wife, also to cancer. A few months ago his teenage son was diagnosed with bone cancer and not given a very good chance of survival.

    I don't know this man, only met him once, and I never met his son. But something inside me just made me so angry, and my heart so heavy -this could NOT happen. I started praying about it, every night, sometimes twice a day. I sent his name in to our Church's prayer group and I asked a few other friends to pray for him.

    To be completely honest with you - at first I didn't really think this would do much good. People get sick and die - it's just a part of life. I thought that maybe I should be praying that God help him through the loss - but I didn't - I kept praying that this boy would not die and would heal completely.

    One night I started praying again, after a while I got this feeling that his son was going to be fine. I don't know how to describe it - I just knew he would be ok.

    A few days later my husband told me that the boy's surgery had been scheduled and they were going to have to amputate his leg - they couldn't find a bone donor. I told my husband that wouldn't happen - I knew he was going to be ok. My husband looked at me like I needed to take some medication [8>] and repeated again that the surgery was scheduled and his leg would be amputated. I kept praying, but I already knew it wouldn't happen - he'd be ok.

    He had his surgery and I went to meet him for the first time last weekend. They were able to remove the tumor completely. They also just happen to find a bone donor in time and were able to replace the piece of bone they had to remove. They did not have to amputate his leg!! He has 3 more months of chemo. Once his leg is healed he'll be able to run, walk, ride bikes, everything - he'll be healed completely.

    Do I believe God answered this prayer? Most definately. I knew this boy would be ok and I know that was from God.

    Why did he anser this one? I don't know. Maybe since he lives outside of our time he already knew this boy would survive and just sent me the message ahead of time?!
    Why doesn't he answer all my prayers? I don't know.
    Why do children die? I don't know.

    I still have a lot of questions.

    What I do know as that he answered this one, and now a teenage boy has his life back. And a rather sceptical Christian (me) has a lot more faith. And that's enough to make me happy now.

  • Carmel

    I don't want to rain on your parade but when it comes to prayer, I find cause and effect application to be tenuous at best. The comfort you experianced and certitude about the outcome of the surgery is only anecdotal and can neither be proven or disproven. I have had experiances where I "resorted" to prayer. Some times it has what could be described as an "outcome" but for the most part it only served to set my own mind to ease with being detached from the outcome, whatever that may be.

    So was the experiance you related coincidence or was there a causality involved? Certainly a matter of faith, but the jury is still out on such matters.


  • funkyderek

    It's a pity God never answered such prayers before humans developed the techniques to successfully treat such patients.

    Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you're a mile away and you have their shoes. - Jack Handey, Deep Thoughts

  • Seeker4

    Have to agree with Carmel and Funkyd on this one. Such a capricious god, letting this one die a horrible death while saving this other one over here, is a travesty. There are a million miracle anecdotes like this one, and a billion where prayers did no good at all.

    Like my neighbor, who, with one leg two inches shorter than the other, went to a faith healer, and had his short leg "lengthened" by a quarter inch. What's god's problem - no ruler??

    Humans need to create these miracles to do just what happened to Dawn - restore faith in an invisible god. The miracles aren't real, and neither is the god. It's a marriage made in heaven.


  • Undecided

    If God was involved why did he have to have an operation at all. Couldn't God have healed him without the operation??

    Ken P.

  • Dawn

    I also wonder why is it that some people suffer and others are healed. Like in this instance, this boy was healed because they were able to find a bone donor - but then again, that means that some other boy died in order to have that donor bone available.

    I do believe in God and believe he hears our prayers. As to how/when/why he answers them - I don't know. But in this case, I'm thinking that perhaps he already knew what the outcome would be and just let me know ahead of time.

    Like I said - I knew he would be ok - I've never been so sure of anything before - it was weird.

    By the way - I really love the openness of this forum. It is so refreshing to be able to air your thoughts and opinions with everyone, even if they don't agree. I am so blessed with this new freedom. Having an open mind and hearing many points of view helps an individual to be more "rounded" in their thinking rather than having a hard-line tunel vision sort of existence.

    If noone had allowed Columbus to express his opinions and research them we'd still be living in a flat world .

    Thanks for your feedback!

  • BluesBrother

    Hey, lets give Dawn a break here.

    She prayed sincerely, and the boy got better. Was it a co incidence or cause and effect? No body can say for sure.

    The points about choices of people to be helped are good questions, and personally I would always hesitate before claiming that my prayer was answered.. but if someone is sure, who are we to say that it was not a miracle?

  • Dawn

    Thanks BluesBrother

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    Don't let anyone "rain on your parade".... they were't there, they didn't experience what you experienced. I believe you because I believe in the power of prayer from personal experience. Even the mainstream press has printed articles on how medical professionals believe there is evidence that there is a "power" in prayer (call it what you may).

  • julien

    It's too bad nobody prayed for the dead dad and wife.

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