I am a former elders wife. I say that with great pride now LOL.
Former being the prized word. I agree totally with Joy, you will enjoy so much more , now that he will have time for your family.
I actually like my husband more now, we get along alot better, since he is not riding my ass about field service because someone was riding him about my lack of mid week activity. I know a run on sentence but had to put it that way,,,,,,,,,,, it was all so exhausting to me. I have relief and I dont feel pressure . A burden was lifted off of his shoulder too, but there was a little sadness in the beginning because he worked very hard to be a good elder and tried to help the trodden down ones. He knew it was a losing cause, but leaving those ones was hard for him. I dont beleive that everyone in the borg are evil, there are many outthere that are trying to make a difference. I know of some that are staying in for that reason only. But sooner or later they all see that they cant fight it alone and they need to think of their own families. I wish you both the best, the best is yet to come.