I was recently visited by a JW ( he is a really nice old chap who has his own doubts) and he said 'internet' more times than you would think possible in a fairly short conversation. Either he has been told something, or there have been extra warnings against the internet at circuit assembly, CO talks etc. Does anyone know if there have been extra warnings just lately?
Internet warnings in the UK?
by meat pie 11 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, there have, and especially at the last District Convention.
It would now appear that anyone who uses to Internet is a closet pornographer!Hats off to the poor C.O.'s who had to deliver a talk that used the word "pornography" more times per sentence than comma's.
why are all the cute guys in the uk???:(orbi
termite 35
Last I heard the official WT site was ok 'if you HAVE to'but as for anything else...you'd get 'a chat'immediately; all the 'respected' ones make a point of having a computer but NO internet,a subtle test for the desperates longing to be more acceptable me thinks...They can parade their internet virginity with pride!
LOL @ termite... Internet Virgins, eh?
Maybe....but we all know about the double life the JWs lead. They'll give a part on the TMS about avoiding the internet and ten minutes later they're one-handed surfing.
By the way, there was a thread some time ago that asked (now) xjw about when the first got on the net if they were obsessed with sex... I wish someone could find it.
I wonder how many of the numbers-freaks count their time Internet Pioneering?
Hey Meatpie,
Recently at the public talk a young brother gave a talk about pronagraphy on the Internet. He said that you can just be surfing and up pop a nudity scene that take you right into a pornagrahic site that you cannot get out of. No matter how he tried he just could not get it off of his screen.
LIAR! I whispered to my husband. I joined a porno site just to see what all of the exitment was about. They put me through the third degree with, how was I going to pay before I could even get in. They gave me a preveiw first, only of a very limited nude scene and asked me a series of questions even before that.
Witnesses kill me with that sheltered kind of talk. Only the sheltered ones fall for that crap. Those of us in the know, KNOW BETTER.
And by the way, I cancelled the membership the next day. Conscience killed me. Jehovah was looking.Pureheart
Hey Pure,
I regularly get a dozen or so spams from porno sites daily along with all the debt reduction, make six figures a month crap. Usually easy to spot and delete but ocassionaly I'm fooled and open one up thinking it is something else. The more often it happens the better you get at blocking. OTOH, the ones I've opened sometimes have banners that jump up and it takes two or three minutes to get rid of all of them,,,,,specially when you linger a while :-)
I recently fell into an Internet Porn site accidentally,
and after struggling for hours and hours, they finally managed to kick me off.The Pope
That was YOU pope? My technicians had the damnedest time getting you off the system!
"As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
Believe in yourself, not mythology.
<x ><