what movie, gave you the creeps and why?

by LyinEyes 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • LyinEyes

    I was just wondering if you have a movie or some movies that have given you the creeps. Did you see it as a JW or after? Do you watch " demonized " movies now?

    The movie that gave me the creeps, was " Jacob's Ladder"
    I cant explain why except that it was a pyshcological thriller and corruption of the mind is far scarier to me than demons!!!
    I saw this movie as a JW , and it actually made me afraid to be alone, which usually never happens to me. I think it may have brought up some brainwashing issues that I did not understand at the time. BTW i have seen some vampire movies and some spirtistic movies, but still kind of scared of some of them too.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    The Exorcist...I watched it when I was a teenager and scared me half to death. When the new director's uncut version came out recently...I refused to have it in the house. I'm not really one for horrors...couldn't watch Poltergeist and Omen...they do NOTHING for me.

    I'd much rather have a drama...or something mooshie like While You Were Sleeping


  • Smoldering Wick
    Smoldering Wick

    I never really liked clowns...especially after watching "IT" by Stephen King (1990). The demonic creature that dresses like "Pennywise" the clown that was out to feed off little children freaked me out. I was already conditioned by my JW upbringing to be scared as hell of anything demonic let alone a demon clown! I would always walk wayyyyy around the sewer drains in service after that. lol


  • Marilyn

    Beck that's funny. David bought the Exorcist on VCD recently and said it wasn't too bad. So I started to watch it and it gave me the creeps. Nothing much seemed to be happening, but I think with all the hoo ha that the dubs made about it the anticipation was too much for me. I only got a quarter way thru.

    I walked out of a horror movie at the cinema recently. It was called Jeepers Creepers. I thought I'd bought a ticket to The Others. (early demensia on my part) I'm sure The Others would have scared me half to death too, but Jeepers Creepers was too horrible.

    I think an absolute classic horror movie is The Shining with Jack Nicholson. It's just the best movie. We have watched it sooooooooo many times. When we visited AF and JF in Oregon we drove up to the mountain logde where the filmed the outise scenes. I've forgotten the name of the place now. Mt. Hart, Hunt... or soemthing????

    Jacobs Ladder sounds good. I think I remember the talk about it when it came out. I wouldn't mind getting it on video. I quite liked IT coz I was mad keen on Stephen King for a while.

    Anyone seen Scary Movie?

  • Outaservice

    THE NEW WORLD SOCIETY IN ACTION is very scarry! Can you imagine what the world would be like if the Watchtower was in control of the world?

    God help us all.

    Outaservice (hiding under his bed)

  • TweetieBird

    I remember watching "The Shining" when it first came out and it gave me the heebee-jeebees for days.

  • joelbear

    Shining filmed outside of Timberline Lodge in Oregon

  • Prisca

    Silence of the Lambs gave me the creeps. I was still a JW then, but even now I can't bring myself to watch it again.

    Marilyn, I think you would have enjoyed The Others. Not a typical Hollywood film, with a great twist at the end. I'd definitely recommend it.

  • AjaxMan

    Despite never being a JW, I still say that the movie that gives me the creeps the most is The Exorcist.
    Everytime when I hear its well-known theme melody, I get goosebumps.

  • Sirona

    I found The Others really scary!!

    Saying that, I can watch horror films OK now...but my boyfriend won't sleep alone after watching one! lol

    I really liked "The Gift". Another scary one is "Stir of Echoes".


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