Where else to go?
First off, the question was not "WHERE" but to "WHOM" - speaking of Jesus of course, and the fact that he had sayings of truth. Well since the WTBTS has little 'truth' then "ANYWHERE BUT HERE" is the correct answer Or that "WHOM" is who you are concerned with, not "WHERE" (If you still buy the bible thing, if not, well, that's a tougher sell to a JW - baby steps you know!)
Jesus disciple's made false predictions too.
No they didn't. They never TAUGHT things like dates. They may have thought that Jesus was talking about kingdom on earth, but the bible doesn't say they kicked out ones who thought otherwise. In fact wasn't "Doubting Thomas" in a gathering of Jesus desciples - they were not shuning him even thought he was saying Jesus was never raised!
Jehovah has always used an organization.
Blatenly false. Where was the 'org' from Jesus to 187x? Where was the 'org' before Jesus? If they say Nation of Isreal - blat! Wrong! That was a NATION, not an ORG. If that's a precedent, then Jehovah would have a NATION now, not an ORG.
The light keeps getting brighter.
Whatever - blink on, blink off, that's not 'brighter' to me.
Who else is doing the work that we are?
Hmmm, Mormans, Catholics, Baptist, Methodist, Scientologists, need I continue? Of course, most don't knock on doors as they realize what a futle waste of time that is - IOW they're not stupid If the JW 'preaching work' is the mark of the true religion, then god is backing a piss-poor org. The 'preaching work' is losing ground in an increasing pace, and has never come even CLOSE to acomplishing it's 'goal'. Start asking non-JWs if what they know about JWs. 90% don't even know they exist, or if they do they call them "Jehovers" - that's the extent of their knowledge about "god's true org". If god is judgeing people based on their reaction to the JW preaching - he's a piss-poor god doing a piss-poor job.