I hope that I will be able to properly express this thought on the board , that has been stuck in my head. As a JW , I was always so concerned with pleasing Jehovah. Was I paying strict attn at the meetings, was my heart in the ministry, all the other works you are supossed to love to do. I was so sure that Jehovah actually took a personal interest in those silly, really petty things.At the time I didnt think it was silly, but since leaving the borg and sitting back looking at the real world,I have to ask myself , why would I think God almighty would care about my field service time? I mean , women in 3rd world countries are being raped, and young girls mutilated. There is all the unanswered crys for help by so many other innocent children. People are dying and suffering, and I am sure they are begging God to help them. Many times I am sure they think God is not listening to them. It just makes me wonder if God really cares about us anymore, being JW we are told God loves us so much and he wants to make things better. I understand that, but why so long? If it were my children ,i dont know I could make them suffer sooooooo long. Even if time is shorter for God, his people feel like it is forever in waiting. Right now my faith is shaken , my faith in the bible and even if there is a God. I find it hard to beleive that God is concerning himself with answering prayers about moving up the theocratic ladder, brother so and so getting his house paid for so he can pioneer, etc. And they actually attribute these things as acts of God, prayers answered by the Sovereign. All the while , it seems to me God could be healing the little girl who has cancer , well too many worldwide horrors to narrow down. I think God could restore someones faith , if they ask , but the JW God is only concerned with those petty things that seem so insignificant on the large scale of things. At least it makes me see that Jehovah's Witnesses are not being blessed by God. I am sure that God has more important issues to address.
How petty is JW's God............
by LyinEyes 15 Replies latest jw friends
You make a very good argument for Atheism.
Lyineyes, what you wrote is amazing. Its like you went inside of my head and snatched out my biggest problem with religion. Thats the same doubt that brought me to the point of where I am right now. If you don't mind listening to a short story I can tell you exactly what made me feel like that.
A few years ago there was a family in a nearby congregation, I was good friends with 2 of their sons. We used to get together and play basketball, skate, etc. (late-night drinking included) This particular family had a history of heart disease that was passed down to all of the children. To make a long story short in a relatively short period of time 3 of the 8 children died from heart failure. One of the girls died on a bus on the way to the school and one of the sons (who was much older than me) died while playing basketball. They had yet another son who died from heart complications but I did'nt know him or the circumstances when he passed. After about a year or 2 of those initial deaths the mother and some of her younger children were all at a skating party that one of the friends had setup. During the course of this gathering her youngest son collapsed while skating, the paramedics were called and they tried to revive the boy but sadly they could'nt save him. The look on this mother's face literally tore my heart to pieces, for a long time I could'nt stop thinking about the pain that this poor woman must have been feeling. It was at that point that my doubts began to surface about why would a loving God allow his children and in particular his children who were doing their best to serve him suffer so much pain. The rest as they say is history. After carrying these doubts around with me for years I finally started investigating religion and the JWs history and thats what brought me around.
So I can definitely identify with you 100% on that feeling LE.
BeautifulGarbage, yes indeed she does. And if the JW god does exist I want no part of him. He's too busy 'keeping his orgs name clean' to care about the children being abused/molested, people being driven insane by the inane rules and regulations of the WTBTS, etc.
Leander, so true. Religion pretends to understand why their 'god' allows such things and they try and present their 'god' as a loving being. The two realities do not mix! The fact is that if a god exists he obviously doesn't give a rat's ass about living conditions on this planet.
What also gets to me is how "god" "Jehovah" or whatever, always seems to get the credit for all the GOOD things that people need, get, or pray for. However, if it's negative or bad, well, it's demons or satan.
And the other thing that always bothered me about religion in general, not just the WTS, is that one can do the most sick, twist, demented crimes, but as long as they "believe", ask for forgivness, (or follow the Org) they get "salvation". However, someone who is honorable, giving, and makes the world a better place because they are in it, are going to perish, or burn in hell, because they are not a "believer".
I think it's a waste to pray to the God of the Old Testament, or to any god named Jehovah. He doesn't exist.
I read a story recently about a young Mormon boy who knew he was gay, but he kept himself to himself. Never acted out on his fantasys. But he did pray over the matter. A year or so after this story picked up, the young Mormon is found dead in his room.
The undertaker couldn't help but notice that this young man had the most unusual knees. Very rough. In fact, both his knees were covered with callused skin almost a half inch deep.
And I'm supposed to feel love for a god like the one that gay Mormon kid was praying to? Not!
Uhoh. Bad me.
When Francois noted the callouses on the dead Mormon's knees...praying...wasn't the first activity that came to mind!
LOL I am inclined to agree with detective here.
Francois said:
I read a story recently about a young Mormon boy who knew he was gay, but he kept himself to himself. Never acted out on his fantasys. But he did pray over the matter. A year or so after this story picked up, the young Mormon is found dead in his room.
Gay male + knees = does NOT equate immediately to praying!The undertaker couldn't help but notice that this young man had the most unusual knees. Very rough. In fact, both his knees were covered with callused skin almost a half inch deep.
[Bold mine for emphasis]
It is not religious persecution for an informed person to expose publicly a certain religion as being false, thus allowing persons to see the difference between false religion and true religion.
WT 11/15/1963 page 688 paragraph 3 -
I suppose you'd have to 1) have read the entire report and 2) have seriously tried to get the point that he didn't "act out his fantasys, instead of going for the joke.
But hey! whatever floats your boat