Hello again Spiderman.
you said:
TS, thanks for your comments and I will keep your thoughts in mind as I post in this forum.I am glad you will keep my comments in mind. While I am appreciative of your attention, I would still like to know your thoughts on the question I asked you when you said:
I have read many sad stories in the archives of many of you. Unfortunately many were stumbled by man and that is sad in itself.I will repeat my question to you once again for your convienence:
Having said that, what do you hope to accomplish here by telling 'both sides of the story', since you too are being led by men (because I know that God doesn't write the WT and AWAKE)?Thank you in advance for your time and effort. Also, in response to another poster you said:
Well, let's put it this way. According to the Bible, Satan was once an angel and part of Jehovah's invisible organization in heaven. Yet, he did stumble Adam and Eve. Although Jehovah can control everything and everyone, he chooses not to. In today's organization here on earth, men inside the religion cause others to stumble. Jesus gave warning about this happening in the last days.Please explain where in the bible it is stated "Satan was once an angel and part of Jehovah's invisible organization in heaven." I cannot find reference to it.
Also, could not the Catholic Pope say that "men inside the religion cause others to stumble" and that the Catholic church is pure when confronted with problems in the Catholic religion?
I just find it odd that you can blame entire religions in one breath for what you say are simply the mistakes of men in another.
Why is a priest who molests a child a product of their religion while a JW elder who molests a child is a fallible man who made a mistake? Are they not BOTH fallible men who made mistakes? Or, are they not BOTH the result of their religious teachings?
Could you not be unduley biassed when you make statements as you did above in your response?
Thank you for your time.