The essence of the christian congregation was the enlightenment of society by preaching (refer to Jesus words 'you are the light') and the beautifying of society by acts of Love, helpage that have positive impact on peoples lives (see Good Samaritan or James' words of the faith without action is dead). Why is the WTS obstined at not doings acts of helpage? Even those within the congration especially in Africa, no corporate social responsibility. I think this is pure primitivity. They will tell me ofcourse that Jesus didn't build schools, hospitals,..., but also he didn't provide desaster relief (to my knowledge)! Jesus was preocupied by lip service to hungry people? Society is evolving and only trees can't change their situation.
Agape at work -how?
by Rip 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals
The number 1 priority for the WTS is it's own survival. It is just a self serving machine.
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Many thanks bro, I love you all. Of course I am a JW for about 15 years and don't believe in disfelowshiping!Lol!!!Paul said we are no fathers of your faith. I belong to God not WTS
To me all people are Innocent and only answerable to Yah.-This allows me to cultivate tolerance and acceptancy with boundaries of course
Julia Orwell
Amen to that. It's between an individual and God, not between a person and a bunch of elders or rules made by people in America.
I think jws use agape to get out of actually having to do things. Agape I love you in principle but not in action. They also offer you agape as a polite was of saying, "I disagree with you and find you offensive, but the bible says I have to love you." Until you say something 'apostate', that is.
"I think jws use agape to get out of actually having to do things. Agape I love you in principle but not in action. They also offer you agape as a polite was of saying, "I disagree with you and find you offensive, but the bible says I have to love you." Until you say something 'apostate', that is."
Thanks Julia, that is we call Lip service and dead faith. Dont you think we can revive the faith by rethinking the Christian congregation/not the WTS. We are not trees.
Julia Orwell
Well yes, because a Christian congregation where true love is shown, that is, helping the disadvantaged and things like that is possible. There are groups like that where I live. That's when people actually live by the gospel and not a publishing corporation's narrow interpretation of it. Unfortunately, not all people are generous or charitable by nature, and jws have it beaten out of them in the push to get 'more hours'. If they made it so you could put time visiting the sick or helping the poor or volunteering for some charity on your field service report, jws would be lining up dto do those things, not out of love, but because the watch tower is all about results on paper to determine how 'spiritual' you are.
Julia Orwell
Unfortunately, the watchtower talks out of both sides of its mouth.
Bart Belteshassur
Does the word Agape appear in the new testement somewhere? I have only come across this word in contection with the Essene solstise and equinox meals which are similar to the last supper. Can you give me some reference please?