I was thinking on the ride home that Intelligence gathering could be delegated to Wikileaks. Of course, that is a model of collective internet intelligence. Spymasters have made a career of withholding information, however. Those days may be numbered.
You Can't Ignore Fiscal Responsibilities!!!
by minimus 45 Replies latest social current
End of Mysteries
One way to compare taxes from country to country, is to work out your Tax Freedom Day . In the US it is April 13. In Canada it's June 6. Generally speaking, Canadians are much more tolerant of big government and big business.
the extra 6 weeks of tax pays our health care I guess
Thanks Skeeter and Scary. It would be great if the whole nation one day realized that then they could clean house and break the cycle.
Corporate money is the power behind all of it, and that corporate money has but one goal -- the creation of a largely subjugated population and a workforce grateful for whatever scraps fall from the table. To accomplish this, the corporate money not only had to disable the institutions of self-government that are the people's only real protection, it had to do so in such a way that the people expect less and less of the government and, therefore, less and less of each other, acting in the interest of the political commonwealth. (The dismantling of organized labor is a sideshow to the main event in that the goal there was to cripple organized labor's political power within the political institutions so that there would be no countervailing force that could be brought to bear against the destruction of its power in the workplace.) For all the endless bloviation about the dead-hand of government, what the vandals in Washington are shooting for right now is a subject population whose tattered freedoms depend on the whimsical ethics of the American corporate class.
Read more: Republicans Are Getting What They Want - This Is What They Want - Esquire
You got that right, hoser.