These guys will never incriminate themselves – they won’t even write a letter to invite you to your judicial hearing – so don’t hold your breath waiting to hear you’re unofficially df’d.
You’ve been tried in absentia, found guilty, and are now considered df’d, but they will never tell you that to your face. It would only give you fuel to argue you were unfairly tried.
As others have said, this is spiritual warfare and they are not going to risk any negative media attention over this matter ... but believe me, in witness circles, you are definitely classified df’d.
There was once a troublesome elder who the elder body thought should be deleted. The C.O. was sure he’d appeal and make a lot of trouble. So a spiritual warfare plan was hatched. Heat was applied and of course he decided to move to another nearly cong. Big mistake on his part. When he learned he wasn’t going to be recommended, he threatened to appeal. The C.O. laughed when he heard that and told the body to inform him there was no appeal possible. Needless to say, in elder circles he was considered deleted.
Congrads on the phone call, if you really want to go further on this, begin keeping careful notes and gathering evidence.