in the awful sunday meetings are people supposed to answer the questions from the WT by just reading the stupid paragraph again or would the elders prefer to hear a real comment?
sunday meetings
by Realist 12 Replies latest jw friends
A brother who was "reaching out" might try to reword the answer but embellishment is not appreciated. Basically they just want to make sure everyone understands the particular point of the dribble they are reading. You can't have too much repetition when you are brainwashing people.
Some just read from the paragraph with some rewording of the phrases, others, mainly elders and ministerial servants will include original thoughts or experiences. The format is such that it usually discourages anything but just answering the question, but some questions ask for personal experiences specifically. These personal experiences and comments are pretty much the only interesting portions because otherwise it's just rehash of what was just read. A lot depends on the conductor. If he is lively and asks additional questions then it is much easier to pay attention.
We had a brother who used to ask questions as a one word fill in the blank,
for example: God's name is (blank)? or The meek will inherit the (blank)? or Jesus died for our (blank)
He did this numerous times during the course of a one hour study - completely grueling. And he literally wanted us to raise our hands and say "Jehovah" "Earth" "Sins"
Just made me want to pull my face off it drove me nuts. Worst case scenario of this, when I was in his bookstudy and no one was raising their hand to answer.
:::::::::Just made me want to pull my face off it
That's too funny. We had a guy (the only one I really liked) who would ask similar questions but he'd include the answer e.g. Jesus died for our sins. Then he'd say "isn't it"? The meek will inherit the earth. Isn't it? He wouldn't have said it for God's name is Jehovah. He had a diamond like precision at putting 'isn't it?' where it didn't belong.
Hubby and me still say it to each other. It kinda caught on. Isn't it?
That's crazy! Isn't it.
"As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
Believe in yourself, not mythology.
<x >< -
That is funny Marilyn! Would have been funny if the entire congregation started answering him at once - like the churches where everyone keeps saying "Amen" to everything the Preacher says. Might have livened things up a bit :).
like the churches where everyone keeps saying "Amen" to everything the Preacher says.
Not the ones I've been to!
Ozzie"If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."
- Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress -
Yep. I was always complimented on my 'well-researched' and 'encouraging' and 'well-spoken' comments. Fact is I almost NEVER studied beforehand. And all I did was reformulate the paragraph into new words and give them as an 'answer'. I could do this while the paragraph was being read, and that with never having read/seen the article before. Pretty simply task, yet I stood out in most congos for it. That is sad.
HEHE, I could usually look good by doing exactly that, just rewording the paragraph. It was so dumb. The funniest was when the conductor would go over time and have to skip the questions, and would start sweating. You could almost hear everyone in the KH saying "loser" under their breath as he went into the time usually reserved for golf or knitting at home! *LOL*
Every religion is the One True Religion.