They only make those calls when they are feeling forced to by impending CO visits, or from a recent CO visit where they got blasted due to falling sales, er publishing numbers. So they pick out the 'weak' and 'encourage' them. Over the last ten years of my JW-hood we got a few visits, but they were pretty empty ones, empty encouragement, empty promises. The last few years in which I was very illregular, we never got one. It's not something they enjoy as they cannot "count time" and it's yet another brain-numbing task to for them to perform. As if they aren't busy enough.
"Shepherding Calls"
by mindfield 15 Replies latest jw friends
My wife once asked an elder why we never had any shepherding calls. The elder told her that since he had heard that I had said bad things about him that he didn't feel a shepherding would be effective. She asked him why didn't you ask my husband if he really said those things instead of believing gossip.
If they will get happy faces I think they'll show up, if they are going to have an argument they won't. Just human nature I suppose.
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On -
Hmmm, it's our C.O visit this week. Wonder if I'll be receiving a visit soon.
The last shepherding call I received I was offered a study. I accepted (I hadn't come across this site before then). In passing he asked how I was and I told him about my current medical problem. No matter what I said he kept commenting on how when you're depressed these things can happen. I'm like "what are you talking about?", I had had an MRI scan confirm that I'd had a small stroke a few months earlier but he was just convinced that I was depressed. I cancelled the study a couple of weeks later stating that I didn't think it was helping me.
Makes you wonder whether they actually listen.
Ignored One.
Makes you wonder whether they actually listen.
It also makes you certain that 90% of them are not capable of doing the job - nor are they trained in any way for real 'counseling(sp?)'.
mrs rocky2
I think lately the elders only shepherd those who will lead. Our last shepherding call lasted 4 hours...they only planned on spending one hour with us. They prayed at the end that we might find some answers to our "unresolved issues." A few days ago one of the elders saw me in the grocery store and went out of his way to say hello. It was very weird. Have to say tho' that some congregations are very concrete sequential about shepherding. My dad does shepherding calls almost every Wednesday evening. Scarey!
Hmmm let me see............. I think the last time I had any communication with an elder was well over 20 years ago when I wrote a letter to them saying what they could do with their Kangaroo court, if they were not going to pay my expences to drive the 300+ miles to attend it. (I really didn't want to go anyhow)