What do you think of this idea, has it been done? I was thinking that if I did decide to DA myself, one fun way to do it might be to place a public notice in a regional paper. Something not libelous(unfortunately), just saying that I no longer wanted to be know as one of JWs because I could not reconcile the discrepancies/divide between JWs organization and the Bible. I'd word it better than that.It is an idea isn't it? I could also send a copy to the KH.I might well do that anyway if they DF me first. Comments please.
Can I DA myself in a newspaper?
by meat pie 22 Replies latest jw friends
As long is hot off the press.
Nathan Natas
I think this is a meritorious idea. A PUBLIC NOTICE type ad won't get a HUGE audience - but it will be seen by some. Depending on the length allowed for such an ad, you could list some of the failings of the WTS.
Of course you would avoid slander and libel.
It is important to bear in mind that you have no obligation to abide by WTS "rules" anymore.
Excellent idea! Now why didn't I think of that? Here is what my DA article would have looked like:
Announcement of Disassociation - XXXXXX XXXXXXXX
------------------------------------------------I, the undersigned, hereby resign from the religion formerly known as the Governing Body, i.e. the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Brooklyn, New York.
The reason for the DA is a simple one, but mainly it involves horrific treatment by the leaders of the Organization (who self-title themselves "Elders" or even "Circuit Overbeers"), after having been counselled by them for not wearing a napkin on my head whilst conducting a bookstudy filled exclusively with 6 women and one 6-month old male child. Also, I wish to state my displeasure with their stupendously boring meetings, overly long Conventions, and usage of normal people's time and money to sell their literature under the guise of "religion". There are many other reasons, not a few being the Organizations's rigidly enforced mind-control policy, calling carrying microphones and mowing the KH lawn a "privilege", and the non-reply to ALL of my letters.
Well, OK, they did reply to the last one where I threatened to nuke Brooklyn, with a single sentence: "We request that you wait upon Jehovah in this matter of your close relative dying after not being allowed to have a blood transfusion because that week we weren't allowing transfusions of the particular blood fraction he needed!"
Circuit OverSwear!Every religion is the One True Religion.
I love this idea! I have the desire to run publicly exclaiming I am not a JW anymore. I have refrained so far. I do love the newspaper idea though.
"The reward for conformity was that everyone liked you except yourself."
Rita Mae Brown
Excellent idea!
Just remember to put a link to WWW.JEHOVAHS-WITNESSES.COM
I like the idea Meat Pie, I didn't think of that when I left. I think now if I were to do that, I might pay for a 4x4 commercial ad, maybe even put in pictures, etc.
"You can complain because roses have thorns, or you can rejoice because thorns have roses." -Ziggy
Sheesh, if anyone ever manages to get this site on a network like CNN, Simon will become a pauper due to bandwidth bills! (Not a good thing, we'd all have go to GreatCrowd.net! The pain! The agony! The sheer, mentally obliviating (is there such a word???) boredom!!!)
Every religion is the One True Religion.
I don't see why EVERYBODY can't do it. So you've DA'D yourself already, so what...do it again. So you've been disfellowshipped; so what? That's the JW's saying what they think of YOU..now DA yourself and tell them what you think of THEM.
There's nothing preventing a DF'D person from DA'ing themselves..GO FOR IT!!!
What a marvellous idea!
The public notices section of a newspaper is the ideal place, something akin to the underwritten is perfectly acceptable and legal.
"Please take note that I, Ivor Biggun, wish it to be known that I hereby disassociate myself from the religious body known as Jehovah's witnesses. This is entirely my own decision, and is made by me freely and without co-ercion. An affidavit has been sworn by me to this effect in the Much Piddling in the Bog Magistrates Court."
Ivor Biggun.