What level of IQ does one have, to beleive " TRUTH " changes. ? or old "Light " old truths " New Light " new truths " ?

by smiddy 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • smiddy

    Okay, I never went to university , or had a college education, though I`m damn sure that "Truth" is "TRUTH" and it never changes.

    If you" beleived "something was the truth in the past and now found out it was not correct , you cant say it was an" old " truth ,it must have been wrong/false reasoning in the first place......So it was never really the truth.

    Sure you can be aware of a "New" truth something you never knew beforehand , though whether you knew it or not ,it has always been a truth.

    Example:The earth was the centre of the universe ,beleived as a truth.........That beleif was false , it was not an old truth.

    If their was something you beleived before as true and you now find it wasnt true , then it was false / untrue .

    Their IS NO such thing as an "old truth " and a "new truth" that is apparently accepted by jehovahs witnesses .

    If jehovahs witnesses were as honest as they profess , then they would acknowledge when they make adjustments to their beleifs/doctrines that they were wrong in their initial understanding of said scriptures instead of passing it off as old truths or new light.

    I was a witness for 33 years before it became obvious something was just not right with this religion and it took another 10-12 years before I found this site , that set me free. (Thank you all )

    So I ask , is it an IQ level ? where we converts are more susceptible to being influenced by high control groups like JW`s initially and then lifes experiences may take over and bring us back to reality .

    I look forward to your comments pro or con


  • Ucantnome

    i have known some very clever witnesses. i know a witness (sister) now who i have regular contact with and she has at least one degree and other qualifications but still encourages me to return.

  • sherrie11


    I don't think IQ has anything to do with knowing truth from lie. As you mention in your post Galliano discovered that the earth was not the centre of the universe. Yes prior to his discovery this was believed as truth, fact, but galliano's truth became fact. Never was the previous teaching labelled as a lie . but nor was it announced as newlight!

    Only the WTBTS coin the saying old truth and new truth. They play with words and blur fact from fiction... lie from truth. they are conditioned to believe lying doesnt exist in their doctrine.

    You dont need a high IQ to differiente between fact and fiction, lies and truth, unless of course your blinded by the cunning wording the society uses to dumb their masses.

  • DeWandelaar

    IQ is never the problem... human nature is very complex and intelligence is just one of the many elements of a person. Character, Emotions, backgrounds etc etc all have an influence on human behaviour. So... anyone can get hooked by a cult at any time but some are more vulnerable then others. Also... there is a difference between coming from the outside to the inside of the cult and being born in. Those who were "born in" can have a lot more difficulty of loosing the JW-mindset because of constant flow of doctrine. Not everyone can handle the trip out well... and some just can.

  • rmt1

    It is a matter of having the courage to act on your conviction and take squarely on the chin the consequences of action. TWS depends on cowardice to face consequences, and complicity to enforce consequences. I was a coward from 14 to 25. I'm not particularly bright and frequently daft. The smartest of the smartest of the smart likely get fed up very early because they can run the odds better, they can land on their feet faster, and they're off to a life of self-direction faster. To do something courageous, Early, when it Really matters, before you have lost a great deal of potential, requires an informed set of opinions and experiences, and the knowledge of alternate pathways and the relative odds of success or failure taking those paths. You could call that intelligence. You could call it self-preservation.

  • jw07

    I think it has more to do with how easily manipulated a person's emotions are. I know allot of witnesses who I would consider very intelligent, and a few I consider geniuses. They are able to function well in their fields ranging from engineering to the medical field. HOWEVER, they still do mental gymnastics to prove the 'truth' to themselves and others, saying and doing illogical things that their belief system requires. Believing illogical things like the earth being only 6000+ years old, and that 8 men in New York are God's direct channel to direct his servants because THEY KEEP SAYING THAT THEY ARE.

    It is more of a set of factors which can be classed as delusions / emotional illness:

    1. Getting duped into believing that they COULD never die.

    2. Being afraid to admit that they were duped.

    3. Being convinced that anyone who does not believe what they believe must be 'mentally diseased', possessed, not appreciative of life.

    4. Being duped that all wickedness will magically disappear.

    5. Being duped into believing that their failing bodies will magically become 'perfect' without exercise or diet if they just listen to a set of old men in New York and help spread their propaganda to others.

    6. Being duped into believing printed paper (Watchtowers, Awakes, other literature) has worth far beyond anything imaginable. The same way people are deluded into believing they should kill and prostitute for money. Which is just paper which some people have been conditioned to value beyond their personal value.

    It's an emotional complex in my opinion. Feelings have the power to over-ride logic.


    What level of IQ does one have, to believe " TRUTH " changes. ? or old "Light " old truths " New Light " new truths " ?


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  • sherrie11

    Ok according to the society Jehobah loves people with low IQ's. I was reading Drjohnchrists reddit post regarding the AGM and came across this gem

    "Clear, common, readily used expressions are better than "intelligencia". Jehovah's not impressed with big words."

    Inspired words of the infamous Anthony Morris III

    He also advised the R&F " everybody who might study a little Hebrew or Greek or Aramaic "not a translator".

    So there we have it!!!.

    'A translator must consider that the bible was written using the common everyday language of ordinary people. Not the educated."

  • slimboyfat

    From what I've read by Bible scholars the quality of the language of the Bible in its original languages is very varied. For example Luke-Acts and Hebrews are written in very polished Greek whereas Revelation was written by someone with a poor understanding of Greek, it was probably not his first language, and contains grammatical irregularities. Translations rarely convey the uneven quality of the original in that case.

    And most of the Hebrew Scriptures was written in Classical Hebrew at a time long after Classical Hebrew was spoken colloquially (if it ever was). It was not written in the "ordinary language of the people", but rather an effected sort of ecclesiastical language adopted for such literature.

  • rmt1

    How many fever dreams exist in the Apocrypha? I'd imagine for the book of Revelations' actual utility in ordinary life, and the amount of acrobatics required to make it appear timely and useful to a faith system, there are probably a dozen more of equal ratios hallucination to insight.

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