I WEPT BY THE RIVERS OF BABYLON is now instantly availabe at Amazon.
I published the 6x9 trade paperback version last Monday and the e-book book (non-Kindle) versions.
I hope the decent reviews are posted before the customary savage knee-jerk Jehovah's Witness crew jumps on and finds the juggular.
As you all know by now, this was an extremely embarassing and even humiliating book for me to write. Why?
I was such a sap, a fool and a dim-wit for allowing the Watch Tower leadership to transplant their ideas in place of my own conscience.
I've spoken to other imprisoned JW's in the last few months who told me they too feel like idiots who were used, seduced and abandoned.
If I accomplish nothing else, I hope to make the inside story available to the outside world in no uncertain terms--young men were manipulated
by Rutherford, Knorr and all the other Governing Body policy makers. People with only the best of motives found themselves in harm's way
for what they thought was the GOOD NEWS--but--it was only fanatical ideas which later changed through...uh hem..."adjustments."
Thank all of you for your moral support through the years in helping me overcome my anger issues.
When I first arrived on this discussion group I was full of piss and vinegar. But, through the fine examples of more mature and thoughtful
people, I've gradually grown up enough to tell my story with restraint and methodology to get the word out.
The truth about the Truth is the psychopathy of its leadership.
i appreciate Simon working furiously behind the scenes to repair the "New Topic" function on my account. I've been unable to post an announcement
for about a week or so.