This weekends WT. Are they passing the plate?

by 70wksfyrs 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • 70wksfyrs

    The August 15 2013 wt is being studied this weekend. In my view its begging for money.

    Paragraph 9 and 10 state


    9. Why were the temple arrangements being disrupted, and whom did Nehemiah blame for this?

    9 Read Nehemiah 13:10-13. It appears that contributions to the temple had all but stopped by the time Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem. Not having this support, the Levites were abandoning their assignments and going off to work in their fields. Nehemiah blamed the deputy rulers for the situation. Apparently, they were not caring for their duties. Either they were not collecting the people’s tithes or they were not forwarding them to the temple, as they had been assigned to do. (Neh. 12:44) So Nehemiah took steps to have the tithes collected. He appointed trustworthy men to oversee the temple stores and future distributions.

    10, 11. What privilege do God’s people have in supporting true worship?

    10 Is there a lesson here for us? Yes, for we are reminded that we have the privilege of honoring Jehovah with our valuable things. (Prov. 3:9) When we make contributions to support his work, we are merely giving to Jehovah what already belongs to him. (1 Chron. 29:14-16) We may not think that we have much to give, but if the desire is there, all of us can have a share.—2 Cor. 8:12.

    What do you think? In London and NY, new bethels are being built.

  • zeb

    If they bring in tithes then another sunami of people will leave.

  • cantleave

    They need the money for law suits.

  • 70wksfyrs

    I stopped donating in 2009 when I couldn't go to the pioneer school. I was told I wasn't exemplery enough by men guided by HS


  • OnTheWayOut

    While they won't start tithing, the AGM is most definitely about donating money for their new HQ. Somehow, they won't mention that the sale of their old HQ would more than cover it.

    70wks, it turns out they were right, but "exemplary" meant "mind-controlled-to-kiss-their-asses."

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Yep, I hope it becomes more and more obvious to those still in..

    cha ching, cha ching, you ain't gettin' my bling!

  • 70wksfyrs


    I get your point I was never a submissive woman type. Meh, its their loss...were are getting out now. 6 months tops

  • Iamallcool

    "exemplary" meant "mind-controlled-to-kiss-their-asses."

  • WTWizard

    Since when did joke-hova own everything? This is open communism! Where I work, I understand that there is such a thing as "communal property". That is property owned and paid for by the company, for the workers to do their work. Such items belong to the store, and anyone may use them for work. On the other hand, there is such a thing as personal property. This includes anything that was bought and paid for by the owner, not the store. The store owns such things as hand jacks, electric jacks, floor squeegees, the chemicals used by the place for cleaning, runners, and whatever supplies are paid for by the store. On the other hand, I own such things as my small bag (in which I keep things to keep at my fingertips instead of in my pockets), my Fenix HP20 headlight, my flashlight, my watch, my headphones, and whatever else I choose to equip myself with.

    What joke-hova is trying to do is claim ownership on everything including what is paid for by the people. This is like being expected to share my Fenix HP20 light when I bought it so I could use it in the event of a blackout with dead generator. Others have the freedom to invest in similar equipment, in lesser quality lights, or whatever they see fit. Or, they could take flashlights off the shelf (which would belong to the store). But, as I paid for my equipment myself, I have every right to use it as I see fit, including taking it home after I am done.

    As my equipment does not belong to the store, all material things do not belong to joke-hova. That thing didn't provide you with anything--in fact, that thing is trying to enslave you by lying about having created everything so it would be communal property. Joke-hova did not provide you with whatever wealth you happen to have (otherwise, why wouldn't you have more money than the Rothschild family--and make more in one week than that whole family made in its existence, and then tithe 10% of that? If I was sensible and wanted more money, that's what I would do. Imposing a 10% tithe and then making everyone ridiculously wealthy would ensure a steady and abundant supply of wealth, without any excuses. Yet, joke-hova seems to want to steal portions of people's vegetable gardens and chickens that could have been kept for eggs for food.

    Nor does joke-hova own whatever silver and gold you buy. You earned the money, you spent it and paid for the silver and gold, you own it free and clear. As such, that thing isn't going to see one yoctogram of my silver or gold when they are in need. They are not going to see the use of my Fenix LD22 flashlight to guide anyone out of the buildings in the event of a blackout (unless, for some reason I get dragged back in, manage to keep my Fenix LD22 light, and even then I only intend to guide myself out). I owe them nothing, and that is what they are getting from me.

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    When we make contributions to support his work, we are merely giving to Jehovah what already belongs to him

    Jehovah: what's yours is mine.

    WT: what's yours is mine.

    Funny thing is, my mortgage is never claimed by WT or god. They are only interested in my cash. My debts are solely my property and neither WT nor god make any claims on them.

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