Use the AGM "New Light" to reach your family and friends - here is my plan

by Comatose 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Comatose

    I will be receiving calls from folks over the next couple days or seeing crap on Facebook. The key to pulling this off will involve being 100% serious and believing it yourself.

    Plan - Make a big big deal over the new light that the end will occur in this Millenium, and immediately point out that this is huge news as a date hasn't been pushed since 1975.

    Why - first off you use this as a way to bring in 1975 and tarnish the AGM with that debacle. But, you have to do it excitedly and with a smile to fake it. You can't come across negative. You must be seen as excited and amazed they used a new date.

    Crucial - NEVER address the fact that the date could be 900 years in the future. Play it up and milk it huge. When someone then says to you that the date could be 900 years away act shocked and say they are wrong. Make them prove to you a Millenium is 1000 years. Then act very sad and down. They just used their own minds to push the end off into the very distant future.

    What you are doing is pretending you think the end will be here in less than ten years. You've mistakenly thought millenium is Decade. Make them show you how mistaken you are and that he meant sometime in next 900 yrs.

  • laverite


  • slimboyfat

    That's not what Loesch meant, he was talking about the thousand year reign.

  • Oubliette

    ... the end will occur in this Millenium

    Well that's reassuring!

  • Comatose

    I know SBF. But, you can use this to reach people. Act like a Millenium is a decade. Act all excited the end will be over in ten years. Make them tell you it could be 900.

  • cofty

    I would like to see a transcript to see the context.


    Loesch is nearly asleep most times, so it's hard to know what he meant. The current teaching is that ANYONE who does not believe that the END will come in their lifetime, has been infected with Satanic thinking. That's from the last DC. I think a good reasoning point is to pick the youngest member of you KH and then the oldest, then ask, " Do you believe the END is coming in their lifetime, or THEIR lifetime?" Remind of the DC's statement. What are they going to say? SOON?! Maybe a seed can be planted.

  • rebel8

    Make a big big deal over the new light that the end will occur in this Millenium, and immediately point out that this is huge news as a date hasn't been pushed since 1975.

    Wait...they are now saying it will occur in THIS Millenium?!

    Wow...that is definitely a dumb move on their part. Not soon enough to create a sense of urgency in their own personal lives! has been done before. But then again, repeat performances are their big thing.

    Wt, 1/1/1989, pg 12 The apostle Paul was spearheading the Christian missionary activity. He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century.

  • Comatose

    Yup, the key is to make it obvious you think it means it's coming this decade. Play dumb. Then let them point out it means sometime in next 900 years.

  • RayPublisher

    great angle

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