Wondering if something was said at this big do that gave "pillars" the idea to call inactive ones and try to talk up the org-y borg-y? This one person who has not had anything to say to me for a couple years, and turned her head the last time i saw her in a store, called me this afternoon. I answered the first call and said it was not a convenient time to talk. There were three more calls after that, but i didn't answer the phone.
Video feed crashed during agm. Everybody sent home
by solomon 25 Replies latest jw friends
No Adam...just the "pangs of distress"!
*waves to solomon*
I've attended the Grande Prairie assemblies on occassion. It might be that we've met and you never knew it. Was it at the Crystal Palace?
Solomon, sent you a PM.
It's a pity that Jehovah isn't powerful enough to maintain a high quality broadcast signal.
Yet one of the GB speakers made the observation (not a word-for-word quote): "The Walkill printery generally has a hard time printing Bibles during the summer because of the humidity that works its way into the press rooms, yet during all of the overtime spent printing these new Bibles, they never once had to shut down due to humidity due to one of the mildest summers in recent history!" This comment was followed by quiet gasps of amazement as people around me drew the inference that Jehovah made sure Walkill got a low-humidity summer just so these Bibles could be printing.
My other half just leaned over and said: "Or maybe it was just that the A/C worked as designed...."