a positive story about a jw

by peaceloveharmony 11 Replies latest jw experiences

  • patio34

    Hi PeaceLoveHarmony,

    That was a very good story about the grandmother. Probably everyone here knows "good" JWs.

    The problem is, I think, is that the Borg doesn't encourage that behavior much and certainly doesn't sponsor any at local levels. Add to that the constant pressure to be in field service, meetings, and studying all the time, it stymies charitable actions. They're just not set up to facilitate benevolent acts. Therefore, JWs, in order to be good in the WTBS view, must sacrifice their drive to do this sort of thing, it seems to me. After all, there's only so much time and energy for family, work, and then add 17+ hours per week for the Borg.

    It's not a good set-up and a lot (I think A LOT) of people fall thru the cracks. It's a top-down problem.


  • simplesally

    The sad thing about some of the older ones, is that they spent much of their life being loyal to the organization, spending hours in FS, days and nights at the weeklong conventions, driving thousands of miles to Conventions across the country ..... and now that they are old and useless to them, they are IGNORED.

    They are left to be shut-ins, with meager visits, motivated from duty not love. Behind their backs, they are gossiped about because they are "cranky" and "picky", "stubborn", "complainers", etc.

    Its very sad to see their lawns go untended, their houses falling to ill-repair. Yet, in the dreaded Christendom, you see youth groups helping the elderly, repairing their homes and don't forget the volunteers of that worldly group, "Meals on Wheels". You don't see JW's taking the lead in caring for the elderly, just words and pictures on the magazines.

    I thought they were actually supposed DO what the magazines said. Or sorry, that only applies to not speaking to df'd ones .... after all, its printed in the WT.

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