Any fitness gurus out there

by Leander 71 Replies latest jw friends

  • dubla
    why in the hell would anyone want to be "average"? is not the body a gift?

    i certainly wasnt implying that everyone should be happy to be average. for some, average is fine. for others, only above average status will suffice......its a personal choice. either way, i was merely pointing out that 19% isnt that far over the average percentage for males, and not nearly as severe as you would have us believe.


  • LB

    I'm not concerned about muscle myself. I have enough. I do the cardio daily as much for heart and lungs as for anything else.

    Other than jogging or doing hikes on steep hills I bicycle. My upper body is average but the legs are pretty ripped.

    I eat a healthy diet except for the diet cokes. I don't do protein shakes as I eat a lot of protein daily and I do have blood work done every six months to check levels of certain things, including protein.

    The one thing as far as diet goes that I concern myself with are sugars. I do try to keep sugars very low along with fats.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • c5


    Yes, I am following Body For Life, and that is where I found the most helpful advice!

    My brother is following Body for Life as well, and the results are good.

    An important thing to remember is that any program you start must be a life-style change, or you will go back to the way you were before. That is why most diets do not work, you go on them and lose weight, then you go off of them and return to what you were doing before and presto!, you gain your weight back plus more.

    It is true that you need to work your muscles in order to build them, cardio alone will not improve your muscles. When I gave the first advice, lifting weights was the integral part of it. Cardio is good for the heart and will help in your weight loss.

    Good luck in everyone's aspirations! It feels great to improve your muscle and body tone, you have more energy and look great! I highly recommmend Body For Life.

    If I fail or if I suceed, at least I'll live as I believe.~~W.Houston

  • Beans

    I asked my buddy Quotes for some training tips and this is what he told me and it worked well. I did this from Jan to March!

    Cut out the fries and substitute with rice or a baked potato when you go out. Don`t eat to get stuffed, eat smaller portions and realize when enough is enough. And eat right!

    Take a day off from your training every week and do three days of cardio and three days of weight training. I play hockey twice a week and worked out four times and used the hockey as a great break between my two nights of weight training.

    Now I threw something in my routine that I never have before and it worked awesome. I hate doing situps so I did 25 between sets, it passed the time and I lost an inch on my waist in three months.


  • MikeMusto

    bill phillips is as big a homo as i am

  • gambler

    I follow the body for life program and I totaly agree with you duubla.It is insane to say that cardio in the morning without eating will waste away musule.It might if you eat bad and dont have a weight program.But everyone that dose bills program gains a shitload of mussele.

  • Naeblis

    It's not "Bill's Program" It's common sense that has been around forever. Just because he packages some techniques that work, does not mean everything in the program is beneficial. In this case, working out on an empty tank is just plain stupid. Sorry.

  • MegaDude

    I've met a couple of the Body for Life champions, and they don't agree with the Body for Life suggestion about working out on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. They both told me they had a meal prior to their workout, and didn't eat from an hour to two hours following their workout. Other bodybuilders in the know suggest the same thing. But whatever works for you, works for you. There's not just one program that fits everybody out there.

  • MikeMusto

    no no naeblis..working out on an empty stomach is good if you
    enjoy that dizzy
    feeling that comes from low blood sugar and feeling
    exhausted 5 minutes into your workout.

  • dubla


    It's not "Bill's Program" It's common sense that has been around forever.
    well, as common as it must have been, until bills program came out, i never heard his techniques talked about in gyms, magazines, fitness books, etc, etc. couldnt have been all that common (in my mind), but maybe i just wasnt looking in the right place.

    In this case, working out on an empty tank is just plain stupid. Sorry.
    you keep using this phrase, "working out". do you consider a 30 minute jog "working out" (just clarifying). it is your opinion that this 30 minute jog on an empty tank is "stupid" this because youve done it yourself and it hasnt worked, or simply because of what youve read? just wondering, as personal trial and error is usually the best way to decide if something works or not, and you can read 20 different opinions from 20 different "experts" on the subject. as ive already shown, there are plenty of "expert" opinions out there that say there are no harmful effects brought about by doing cardio on an empty stomach.


    working out on an empty stomach is good if you
    enjoy that dizzy
    feeling that comes from low blood sugar and feeling
    exhausted 5 minutes into your workout.
    it sounds to me like you either a) have never jogged on an empty stomach, or b) are hypoglycemic. of course, maybe your results have just been DRASTICALLY opposite of mine. personally, ive never once felt dizzy during or after my run (unless ive popped the ephedrine stack, which usually brings on dizzy spells at first), and 5 minutes into my run is actaully when i start to get really energized, not exhausted by any means. we should compare with other peoples results on here i guess......maybe im the exception to the rule. i can tell you though, for me theres nothing like that early morning run to get my whole body feeling energized and ready to go.


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