The real reason for the push to get children baptized.......

by EndofMysteries 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EndofMysteries

    I think the real reason is that many when they are in their teens and able to start thinking for themselves end up leaving by the time they get out of home, never baptized, and still continuing assocation with their family.

    The WT doesn't like this loophole, so they are hoping to get them baptised before their teen years so that if they wake up and decide to leave, they will be dfed. Hoping to keep them trapped and be trapped before they understand the religion.

  • slimboyfat

    Certainly, and pretty evil to intentionally wish to trap youngsters like that.

  • label licker
    label licker

    Which makes me wonder about the kids I use to see get baptised at eight and nine years of age. No doubt they are given their blood cards right away after their baptisims so therefore it's official. The refusal of blood will look more "legal" to those on the outside meaning a tiny bit less headaches for the society's lawyers if something were to happen to the child. It would also keep them walking a straight line with their school mates. Get them talking at the doors sooner. A protective snare.

    I wonder how that would work if a child is unconscience and needed a blood transfusion, and if the parents were the childs living power of attorney and they said no to the blood transfusion, could a doctor go over the parents authority? If it were an adult there would be no questions as to their request of how they would want to be medically treated. Would the blood card be enough with the childs request on it along with his signature?

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Yet infant baptism is wrong. At least the churches which baptise babies don't shun them if they grow up and decide not be C of E or RCC...

  • smiddy

    they are hoping to get them baptised before their teen years so that if they wake up and decide to leave, they will be dfed. Hoping to keep them trapped and be trapped before they understand the religion.

    I couldnt agree more.It is all about control and power to keep people , whether they be parents or children, in subjection to the G.B.

    The witnesses are conditioned to beleive shunning is a loving arrangement , designed to prompt the one shunned to see the error of his/her ways and come back to the fold.

    What they fail to see ,is it is a hateful practice ,it doesnt inspire one to return to an organization that condones , no encourages family breakups.

    It is extremism at its worst in family situations.

    If you dont beleive the religion { jehovahs witnesses } I do , I will cut off all association with you , as will your mother , siblings , and grand parents who have all remained loyal jehovahs witnesses. ( spoken by a devout jehovahs witness ) And they call that christian love.

    This is what your adult life will be if you are a young person who gets baptised into the jehovahs witness faith.


  • SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker
  • rmt1
  • NeverKnew

    I was thinking the same thing.

    It seems that the internal mental and emotional hell even before leaving is exacerbated if baptized. That would keep many FROM leaving. Once gone, add that loving condition called shunning and the WTS has created a mental and emotional - internal and external torture chamber.

    ...on a decision made at the age of 10.

  • Faithful Witness
    Faithful Witness

    The more baptized children, the faster their numbers increase. One thing I notice about the JW's.. They love to keep score.

    If they are not baptizing the kids, where else are they going to find new members? From the world? Hahaha

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Baptized teenage boys peeking in their stepsister's window. Not exactly a great witness for his WT beliefs. But his mother defends him. "Boys will be boys." But I thought he was so theocratic and Christian. Maybe those are just synonyms for hypocrite.

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