Hello all this is my first post I've been having many doubts with all this "bright light" not changes lately... And with past changes such as this one not sure if I can post this but I guess I'll find out :
BiIG AWAKE CHANGE IN THE 90's and past changes.
by ADJUSTMENTS 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sorry I tried posting the change in the awake magazine masthead that stated : Most important, this magazine builds confidence in the creator's promise of a peaceful and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes away.
It read that way from 1982 to 1995 and then changed to our current masthead.
Welcome Adjustments.
It was that change in the Awake masthead that led me to investigate my doubts about the whole end-time theology.
Look forward to your posts.
PS to post images it's best to get a photobucket account and use the direct link code.
Welcome Adjustments, I like your user name. Yes, there certainly was a big change in the wording on the inside cover of Awake. Obviously, the WTS had to stop referring to the ones born in or old enough to reason in 1914 as they were quickly dieing off. Now that nearly 100 years have passed It will be interesting to see how they deal with it. I'll be looking forward to your story.
Welcome Adjustments. Keep doubting what they say. By doing that the truth will come out. Totally ADD
Yeah, they couldn't keep up the single generation alive in 1914 still being around at Armageddon, so they took out that statement in the magaizine and later went for their strange overlapping generation interpretation.
Welcome to the forum. Your nic is fitting, as you'll be making more adjustments as you learn more about TTATT.
Thanks guys for your responses!
Black Sheep
Welcome to the forum AJ
Yeah, I remember when hubby showed me the changed masthead--it was a big chinc in the armour.