REACTION from my neck of the woods...

by problemaddict 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • steve2

    Crying in response to Jesus' raising Lazarus from the dead? Priceless.

    Crying in response to Jesus' being resurrected? Priceless.

    Crying in response to receiving a copy of a grey-covered revision of the Bible? F.....g stoo-pid .

  • problemaddict

    This is hilarious. My FB feed is boiling over with tears and photos of peoples photographs with their new grey biblkes holding them up like they won wimbleton.

    More stories of tears. I spoke to my mom and she said how historic is was. I said " sure is bound nicely, and its nice they caught up to the scholarly community on John 17:3".

    She explained how great it was and yadda yadda. I asked her why this was so historic since bibles are usually revised every 10-15 years anyways because they have on going comitees. *crickets*

  • rebel8

    The RNWT has "13% less content, although, it is a correct tanslation for modern usage."

    Why? Is it in txt speak? I mean, why do humans need 13% less content to guide them through Armageddon? WOW!

    "So many sisters burst into tears of joy as they received their new bibles!"

    As others said, just over the top wackadoodle behavior!

  • Flg8ter

    Problemaddict.....NO DOUBT!! All i've seen all friggin day is selfies on FB with the "new" bible. LMAO

  • problemaddict

    Its a barrage of selfies. I can't take it anymore. I finally posted on someones link......"calm down know there is no such thing as a "new" bible right? Its freaking centuried old. Get a grip".

    I think the crazies are multiplying. I blame Obama somehow.

  • clarity

    Oh jesus ...when they get it down to 16 pages....I'll cry!!!!!!!!


  • rebel8

    Hey clarity...I can make it even shorter. How does this sound?

    There was always this omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent being named YHWH. He got lonely so he made more sky daddies to keep him company. That wasn't enough so he made planets, a garden, animals and a naked couple, via means that are scientifically implausible. One of the sky daddies got jealous and decided to slip himself into a snake's body so he could talk the naked woman into eating the fruit YHWH forbade her from eating. Because of her, women will have period cramps and all humans have to suffer.

    And she begat so and so and so on...blah blah blah. A bunch of stories showing YHWH is a greedy, petty god just like The Real Housewives of Orange County. Hate, violence, killing babies, and forbidding random things like eating shrimp. Starvation and using humans like pawns in some celestial version of Hunger Games. More scientifically impossible things like bats are birds.

    YHWH Jr. was born of a virgin and went around telling people to leave their families and follow him. Toned down, junior sized hate for people who aren't following him. The snake sky daddy comes back and kills him brutally.

    Not to be outdone, YHWH is plotting to come back again and smite that snake sky daddy once and for all. He keeps saying he's coming and never does. Maybe he's just bluffing, or they are on a reality show like The Amazing Race and no one's winning yet.

    Then enters a guy who did too much peyote and he tells us about his trips. Lots of weird stuff like horsemen, statues, and birds picking unbelievers' eyes out.

  • Hortensia

    I think the crazies are multiplying. I blame Obama somehow.


  • steve2

    HRebel8, your concise version of the Bible would save trees and the earth would have a surplus of Indian ink but the Watchtower presses would become as inactive as many a modern-day Witness. Pages of who begat who keep the factories churning whereas your version would put even more Bethel boys and their good wives back out on the streets. Afraid yours won't get off the ground. Product is everything - even to the one True jealous God, Jehovah.

  • SanLuisObispoTruthSeeker

    Steve I listen to different reports dealing with Biblical literacy in different large churches. There is no difference in a lack of zeal reading the Word of God by either JWs or their counterparts of Christendom.

    JWs are good at scanning through their deep literature, Bible reading and rarely do any of them meditate what God's Word say's. To the JWs, they consider the Bible God's Word but would rather watch tv instead of taking the time to read a book they claim has the power to save lives.

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