Young children baptism

by zound 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • zound

    To further push the young children baptisms take a look at this image:

  • braincleaned

    This is disgusting!

  • Found Sheep
  • Caupon

    So making Jehovah happy is dedicating your life to an organization (not Jehovah). That is just pure evil.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    That guy looks like he just doesn't want to baptise the kid...

  • 3rdgen

    Way to make parents feel like loosers if their kids delay baptism. Way to make kids "accountable" and shunnable. (is that a word?) Control, control, control. I wouldn't be surprised if a brother whose kids are not baptised by their teens would not be considered for appointment to MS or Elder.

  • StephaneLaliberte

    And they take pride that they don't baptize babies. Seriously, what is the difference when you baptize kids like this. This sickens me.

  • clarity

    Hey Zound ....where did you see this? Yikes



  • Stand for Pure Worship
    Stand for Pure Worship

    Children are capable of making well informed decisions.

  • problemaddict

    Sure they are. But at certain ages they do not grasp the concepts that stick to not being able to undo something like baptism into a group you cannot just leave if you no longer agree with the principles.

    I mean seriously, getting teenager married isn't something you are ready to endorse right?

    Jesus was baptized at 30. Why are you in a rush when there is no indicator scripturally that you should be?

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