Indeed, I like hugs for sure. But I came from a JW family where I was the most outwardly expressive in an emotional way of any of my JW family members. My mom is very expressive emotionally and loves to hug. My dad will hug, but he's not very expressive or conversational. My older brother is a cold fish as well.
I guess it just depends what kind of environment a person was raised in , but it comes down to just a variety of personalities or individuals. Not right or wrong- just different ways of showing feelings, emotions, and care. Some people might snort, nod , say " was up " ? LOL ! My father in law came from Boston, Massachusetts and he doesn't do hugs, I think he's a bit homophobic- but he prefers to just shake hands. As well as my brother in law, that's cool- no problem. Yet my wife Mrs. Flipper enjoys hugs and is very expressive that way. I think if two huggers are together it's a good thing. Perhaps a problem may come if one mate enjoys hugging and the other doesn't - then somehow through psychic revelations or osmosis some kind of expression of affection may need to be decided upon. Just to make sure one person is getting through to the other.
My mom would try to engage my elder dad in conversations at the breakfast table and he'd go through long periods of silence- then my mom would ask him " so and so - did you hear anything I was saying ? Then SAY something ! " Used to drive her crazy, and me as well because I like to talk or converse, communicate- my dad, not so much. Even all these years an epic conversation with my 88 year old dad is a 10 minute conversation. Just the way he is. Needless to say- we aren't that close. I'm closer to my mom. I love my dad- just don't understand him or know him as good as I might have all these years. He keeps things to himself