I often have a pop at certain kinds of atheists but for a change I thought I’d have a pop at certain kinds of fellow Christians. On the last Christen web site I was thrown out of there was much love for the conspiratorial view of the world. They were mostly x witnesses who were very much still in its mind set. It ranged all the way from aluminate masters and 9/11 truther types, to evolution being false on all types of spurious grounds. They also seemed to hate philosophy as a side note. Although I do see a few atheists who seem to also have a conspiratorial world view, it seems to affect some sections of Christianity much more. Obviously it is a bankrupt way of looking at the world because it adds nothing of value and adds to fear and a lower quality of life as a result of that fear, and also because it has no backing in fact for most of it. However, are there certain sections of Christianity that it effects more than others, and why would that be is my question?
Christians and conspiracy theories?
by Seraphim23 21 Replies latest jw friends
hello fellow Christian , as a never JW I do not have any conspiracy theories , well only the one that says that the GB are really Martians sent to overrun the planet .!!What kind of conspiracy theories abound on these sites , pray tell .What on earth did you do to get thrown off ?
I agree with that conspiracy theory. Lol
This thread on their board will give you some idea of why I was thrown off.
This thread will give you an idea of their conspiratorial nonsense.
ta very much ,
I would characterize it more as an expectancy of the end of this "system of things", and looking for evidence of the related evil forces. For this reason, I wish Revelation hadn't made the cut.
Karen Armstrong describes this as "nihilism", and finds sects in the Jewish and Muslim faiths that are the same. For extremists in these groups, they repudiate this world and have so little hope that they will even abandon the most sacred tenets, such as love. I recall so vividly Karen's story of a Jewish suicide bomber who had ham and eggs for breakfast on the day he killed himself.
As you say, much of this worldview is fuelled by fear; fear that their beliefs are irrelevant and sidelined in a modern world. Karen suggests the solution is to calm down the fundamentalists through acceptance and inclusion.
August 18, 2012
Why People Reject Conspiracy Theories
"On his Infowars.com Web site, Jones headlines his page with “Because There Is a War on for Your Mind.” True enough, which is why science and reason must always prevail over fear and irrationality, and conspiracy mongering traffics in the latter at the expense of the former." - Michael Shermer, "Why People Believe Conspiracy Theories," Scientific American, August 18, 2012.
"The repression and revised imposition of September 11th and the attendant “war on terror” on the public mind have important implications not only for the integrity of public discourse, but also for the collective sanity of western culture and civilization. As crafted by dominant news media 9/11 has become the cracked lens through which we view and conceive of our own history, identity, and purpose. Each act of subverting or evading factual accounts of actually existing events manifests itself as a small fissure in the broader edifice of truth and rationality. So does it also contribute to furthering the designs of broader forces seeking to build a once seemingly pretend brave new world." - Prof. James F. Tracy, "9/11 Truth, Inner Consciousness and the "Public Mind," Global Research, March 18, 2012.The mocking of conspiracy theories in the American press and Western media is based on the simplistic argument that reason is on the side of the government and officialdom, not on the fringe of society and civilization.
Anti-conspiracy proponents ludicrously claim that conspiracy theorists are prey to paranoia and irrational thinking without explaining their own faulty reasoning. They put a huge emphasis on labels and none on facts. But they're not unique. Apparently, name-calling is enough to win a court case in a 21st century American courtroom.
Let's set aside the mockery and look at the real picture. In the court of world public opinion, 9/11 truth has already won.
The truth is that 9/11 "conspiracy theorists" [read truth-tellers] are not the irrational party in the debate about what happened on 9/11, for the facts of history are on their side and no one with an honest intellect can say otherwise.
Since most people are not persuaded by facts but by fear, they blindly reject the truth about 9/11 and accuse the truth-tellers of being irrational, conspiratorial, and paranoid.
In addition to fear, there are four other reasons why people reject conspiracy theories in a wholesale manner, especially the fact-based claims made by the global 9/11 truth and justice movement. Below I've stated each reason in bold and briefly elaborated on them.
1. Fear. There are many dimensions to how fear blocks people from discovering, accepting, and telling the truth about 9/11.
The first dimension is cosmic. The official story about the most important socio-political event in modern history has been burned into the heart of American culture and Western civilization. America's image of itself is wrapped up with the 9/11 fairy tale. For many, the fear of challenging the authenticity of the story is related to the fear of shaking up the cosmological scenery within one's own mind that has been constructed by political leaders and the television.
The second dimension is social. People have a basic fear; they don't want to be associated with those "crazy conspiracy theorists and their paranoid views." They want to stay within the safety of the tribe, and disowning the most sacred myths of one's tribe goes beyond treachery; it is interpreted as spiritual suicide.
The third dimension is the most obvious one: the fear of death. The government is watching what you say, and read, and it knows what you think and believe. Most people naturally don't want to stick the bullseye on their chest and yell out in the crowd, "I don't belong to you because I reject your lies and fables, now come and get me, punks."
2. Ignorance. Due to the systemic blackout of the evidence showing that the official 9/11 story is a lie, people just don't know. Not only are they ignorant of the facts underlining the case of the global 9/11 truth and justice movement, but they are ignorant that there is even a media blackout.
Of course, the excuse of ignorance is harder to defend in the era of the Internet and new media. A lot of people who reject conspiracy theories are just too lazy to sit down and do the research for themselves.
3. A False Sense of Superiority And A False Sense of Knowledge. The smugness of 9/11 truth deniers is hard to stomach. They actually look down on new information and new knowledge, which is strange to me. I value learning and am always open to new ideas and new ways of seeing the world.
When I came across '9/11: The Road to Tyranny' by Alex Jones in February 2004 I was floored. I remember watching the capture of Saddam on CNN a few months earlier and thinking, "Wow, this Iraq War turned out to be alright, at least the Iraqi people got to see justice served." But the discovery that the 9/11 story was an invented fable turned my goodwill towards the American government to absolute rage.
It was easy for me to rethink the purpose of the war on terror upon seeing the real facts about 9/11 laid out for the first time because I'm not an American so I don't have any emotional stake in what the American government does. Americans are in a much more spiritually difficult place. The sin of 9/11 must be a heavy burden to carry for such a morally minded country and people.
This article is not about judging anyone or any country, but an attempt to understand why people react differently to the same information. Why do some people think they know how the world works and refuse to accept the validity of new worldviews, while others hunger for such awesome discoveries? I know how ignorant I am of the world, of history, and of mankind, so I'm comfortable with letting go of worldviews if the facts don't fit.
4. Collective Brainwashing. The brainwashing of America, Israel, the West, and the world since the false flag September 11 events is definitely one of the biggest reasons why people reject alternative interpretations of 9/11 and the war on terror. The nations of the world are living inside the big lie offered by the grand decoder of reality, who goes by the political name of the United States government. The spiritual name for this false decoder of reality is Satan, otherwise known as the accuser.
People live, breathe, and eat the 9/11 lie. It is a live virus that is inside their bodily organs and their digestive systems. A teaspoon of reason is not enough to treat the spiritual patient.
5. Institutional Silence And Cover-Up. Academic, media, and governmental institutions in the West have all agreed to keep the truth about 9/11 a secret from the American people and the world.
The culture at the top of the top of modern American society and other societies as well operates on a basic principle: "keep your mouth shut, or else."
To learn more about the culture of silence in America's elite institutions, read, "False Flag Terror and Conspiracies of Silence," by Prof. James F. Tracy, and "Codes of Silence and Child Abuse Cover-Ups: The Sick Underbelly of Institutions in the US," by Nathalia Jaramillo.
At the top, secrets are kept, knowledge is guarded, and silence is valued. -
6. Common Sense
7. Occam's Razor
8. Worked for Large Organizations and Found No Boogeymen
William Blum: "No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine."
William Blum (born 1933) is an American author, and critic of United States foreign policy. A former State Department employee, he left the organization in 1967 due to his opposition to the Vietnam War.
No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.
William Blum
State Department Diplomatic & Author
Founder and Editor of the Washington Free Press
Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower- See more at: http://politicalquotes.org/node/48728#sthash.kTbeWlX4.dpuf
I see you all still have your heads in the sand as America and the Constitution is being destroyed right before your eyes.