Are they simply trying to make their Bible more readable, or do you think there is a more sinister motive?
So Why Do You Think They Needed This New Revision?
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
i think it was just something to do. basically it's the same. ass, donkey, giraffe does it matter.
The English NWT was lagging behind the NWT in other languages which use more modern easy to understand language.
Plus they didn't like the fact that the 1960 text of the NWT was out of copyright and could be reproduced by anyone. So they made a new text and font so their current NWT would be under copyright again.
Maybe a bit cynical sounding, but everyone will need a new bible and from what I understand there is a fairly significant suggested donation associated with the bible, will also help with the book distribution numbers of a publishing company.
I have not heard any donation suggested. Where was that and how much is it?
It appears what the WTS. did with this new bible is reword certain scriptures to support their own previously created doctrines
and hell why not if your going to print your own bible, that makes it truly easier to support those specific doctrines.
Not necessarily a correctly honest interpretation from the original language.
Cunning and deceptive absolutely but thats the way this religious publishing house has operated right back from its very beginning.
Faithfully and religiously devoted to the organization, which is by nature of its business acumen, a religious inspired publishing house.
I thought I read somewhere in the $40 range on this board, just can't find the thread anymore.....
So Why Do You Think They Needed This New Revision?
That too Outlaw
I wonder what dollar figure they came up with as the suggested donational amount ?
On highlight publications, they always come up with a set mark up price to make sure they make some dough.