Why doe New light tick me off???? Next 2 weeks WT Studies

by zophar 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Paragraph 9 in tomorrow's lesson says: "For many years, God's people found this approach to Bible accounts faith strengthening."

    Yes, nothing is as faith strengthening as having teachings and prophecies completely change every few years.

    That and using the fallacies of appeal to authority and bandwagon. "We're (the GB appointed by Jeezus) telling you it was faith strengthening. And Andre said, 'Evolution of my beliefs is faith strengthening.'"

  • stillin

    I always got into trouble by bringing up the extended possibilities in a type/anti type scenario. In the Ahab/ Jezebel one, for instance, I would wonder who the dogs were or who pushed her out the window. What is the modern day "window?"

    i would inevitably get the response that you could only take it so far. It left me wondering why details like that were included in the "type" account if they weren't important.

  • Crazyguy

    OneFingerSalute Did you make this comment since this new understanding? I brought up that very point saying that the Bible nowhere stated that the seven times in Daniel was x amount of years that ended in 1914 and asked if the person I was speaking with could PROVE 19 14 without using the type/anti-type of Daniel as used previously. They stammered, stuttered, um, and uh, and um, and of course COULD NOT!

    And does this new teaching really kill the 1914 propaganda or will they use some other teaching to still push it?

  • steve2

    If the GB applied the same level of kindly tolerance to the teachings of the churches of Christendom that they do to their own innumerable errors and exclusive claims, I'd find the corrections refreshing and humbling.

    But, of course, the GB put the most positive spin on the organization's past errors, whilst putting the worst possible spin on the churches' errors.

    The most important ingredient in the Watchtower's soil is 'the double standard'.

  • Oubliette

    Crazyguy: And does this new teaching really kill the 1914 propaganda ... ?

    Ah, yes. The GB are now getting a lesson in the law of unintended consequences and you are calling them out on it.

    They make up one bat-shit crazy story and it ends up contradicting all the other bat-shit crazy nonsense they've been pulling out of their arses for the last 100+ years.

  • Oubliette

    I haven't read the whole thread so I don't know if anyone else has commented on this, but notice the not too subtle dig--once again--at Higher Education:

    There were many powerful enemies of the good news, such as the clever and highly educated scribes and Pharisees. They influenced many to look down on Jesus as a mere carpenter and on his disciples as “un- educated and ordinary men.”- w2015, 3/15, p. 7, paragraph 1

    • Good guys = uneducated
    • Bad guys = educated


    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • prologos

    how can false, loony teachings strengthen FAITH, if faith is REALITIES that are hidden? unreal !, and

    Nabob's demise: it is about REAL ESTATE and abuse of power, not about the wt straw man , the "spiritual inheritance of the other sheep".This wt comment proves that the faith of JWs is based on, upheld by delusions. o

  • leaving_quietly

    And does this new teaching really kill the 1914 propaganda or will they use some other teaching to still push it?

    Probably not. 1914 (the Daniel 4 / 2520 years calculation) isn't part of a type/anti-type. It's part of a dual-prophecy.

    Our study conductor kept emphasizing how Jehovah approved all of this. I couldn't help but think how late to the game WT is because Christendom has been teaching the simpler lessons of the parables for many years.

  • prologos

    "Probably not. 1914 (the Daniel 4 / 2520 years calculation) isn't part of a type/anti-type. It's part of a dual-prophecy" l_Q ?

    is not Nebuchadnezzar and the stump, the 7 year chomping on grass a symbolism, a Type for jehovah's Sovereignty? pagan ruler a type for the kingdom of god? What is the difference between a type and a symbolic meaning, substitution?

  • Deltawave

    The whole of the 1914 paradigm is a type / anti type scenario. From Nebuchadnezzar been cut down like the symbolic tree, the days for years intervention and the restoration of Jerusalem. Without the type /antitypes the whole 1914 last days prophecy falls apart without a single scripture to back it up.

    Besides, even Jesus parables have been de-bunked as only stories to high light a specific principle so they can't even tie in Matthew 24 as having a grand fulfilment to its the commencement of WWI. So the whole thing is a flop.

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