My next door neighbours have a dubbie come and trim their trees every year. He has come to know me as a lovely lady (acting is my greated gift) who has some JW connections. It doesn't appear to have entered his head that I might be an............ APOSTATE!
He's been bending my ear this afternoon and I swear we all need a reality check from time to time. We so forget how dubs operate. John was telling me today that the governments are going to turn on religion VERY soon and then the end will come. I carefully suggested that the end couldn't come for ages yet cuz of all the people in China - they haven't heard the goodnews yet. He explained to me that God didn't need to tell everyone about the end - apparently 1.2 billion Chinese have to settle for having a Branch Office in Hong Kong. A "witness to the nations" is all that is needed!
I can't help wondering why good dubbies have to wander our Western suburban streets like restless spirits every few months - year in and year out, if having a Branch office within a few thousand miles will suffice.