I have to say, that I love your posts ILoveTTAT! I'm going to repeat what you said:
"It makes it really hard to know the truth (about the JW's) if the liars (the JW's) are calling themselves "the truth" and that same liar calls the ones who say the truth (apostates) liars...
And when we (apostates) try to tell your families, your wives, your children, your husbands, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, etc... that you are in a SCAM and you need to GET OUT... we are called names, insulted, shunned, etc.
Do you now see how FRUSTRATING it is?? But we must keep on... telling the TRUTH about "the truth"..."
Here's why I'm repeating this. Most (if not all) exJWs used to blindly buy-in to what the WTS told us about ex-members (aka Apostates). Of course, all of us would have to admit that we NEVER gave the exJWs a chance to explain themselves. We were simply told to avoid them and above all, "To not listen to them."
It takes a determined individual to not allow themselves to be bullied by the leaders of the WTS. It also takes a "humble" JW to want to investigate what ex-members are saying. After all, if what ex-JWs are saying is true, the only conclusion is that the religion of JWs is a hoax and to admit that after years (decades) of membership requires humility!!! Unfortunately, some JWs will NEVER embark on learning TTATT (The Truth About The Truth) because they "can't handle the truth"!
All I know is this. If the WTS really was "the Truth", nothing could be shown to members that would convince them otherwise, unless of course, if the Truth is NOT "the Truth"! And, that's why the acronym TTATT has so much meaning. Once you investigate and study things outside the walls of the Kingdom Hall/WTS, you see/understand things that you didn't see/understand before. You also see how the WTS leaders/writers employ "logical fallacies" to cover-up their mistakes/errors/etc. in order to "play" with your mind.
I'll tell you... all of this research (including how the WTS uses Logical Fallacies) really awakens you and allows you to see not only the JW religion without blinders, it educates you in an overall manner not to ever be fooled by anyone (or any organization) again who employs mind-control techiques to convince you of their propaganda.
Knowledge is INEED power and a protection! Thankfully, the internet has opened up a door for all JWs to learn TTATT.