My wife referred to JWs as The Cult

by DesirousOfChange 20 Replies latest members private

  • Heaven

    Witch Hazel applied topically is great for bruises btw.

    So happy for you DOC. I agree with you... never say never.

  • ToesUp


    Keep enjoying your life. We have been out for over 2 years and life is so enjoyable. No more worrying about EVERYTHING. The mico managing this organization does is mind boggling. You don't realize how controlling they are until you leave.

  • EdenOne

    Happy for you, DOC. That's a very positive outcome.


  • DesirousOfChange

    Thought I'd resurrect this because things have changed so dramatically.

    I suppose when I posted this a little over 1½ years ago my wife was "out" even further than I imaged at that time (when she called it "a cult"). Today, she is often more negative than I am about it all. Our kids are all totally out as well, and we are both so happy that they can pursue life without the superstitions of that old time religion. They have some real potential in life. I think they will all be very successful in life. (Praise God that we did not listen to the condemnation of higher education!) And yes, that higher education surely had a role in them awakening to TTATT, or just awakening to the reality of life (and getting the most out of it).

    Of course, many of you will wonder how bright, talented kids went to university and yet became rabid Trump supporters. And not only that, but they lean more conservative GOP rather than just crossing over to Trump (as so many voters did). Oh......and yes, they voted.

    Anyway.......back to the subject. I don't know when it was that my wife made the full decision to leave everything JW behind. I realize that back when I took note and posted about "the cult" comment, she was much farther along in her journey than I realized at that time. She sees all the hypocrisy in the bOrg and she has concluded that all the "Biblical promises" once held so dear are all total BS.

    Sadly, that means that the concept that she would eventually have ME as "perfect" is never going to happen either. It's just the flawed ole me that she's gonna be stuck with. It's a real eye awakening that if she had realized that years earlier, we might not still be together. There were some really tough times where I think "The Truth" is what was the common ground that kept our marriage intact. There were some times when that vow "to Jehovah" that weighed in the balance was more important than the commitment we had to each other. That's kind of scary because I wouldn't want things to be any different than they are right now. (Ok, at least most of the time/. )

    It's sad that we discovered TTATT so late in our lives. We can only do the best with the time that remains for us, but it's encouraging to know that our kids and grandkids are our with most of their lives ahead of them.

    Never say never.

  • shepherdless

    Congratulations, DOC!

  • blondie

    Great news, for you but especially for her. When I finally realized that god was not supporting the WTS, many things fell into place for me too.

    In my case I left first but my husband followed me soon after that. He had more loose ends to tie up than I did.

  • UnshackleTheChains

    Her eyes are truly opened. It is great your wife can see clearly the wood from the trees.

    My wife knows a lot of what the organisation mills out is garbage. She sees their ridiculous ineffective safeguarding policy and the fact that they are being questioned over it by the charity commission here in the UK. She knows my views on blood, birthdays, shunning, reports, mediator ship, control, dress and grooming, God's name, the other sheep, who should partake at the memorial, JW's only true Christians etc etc.

    Yet she will still attend. Awake but asleep with her head firmly buried in the sand.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Yet she will still attend. Awake but asleep with her head firmly buried in the sand. ~ UnshackleTheChains

    I think there is a transition period where many of us did that. We were awakened (or at least awakening) but in some kind of "head in the sand" denial because we still have that "what if" feeling or we still think "Jehovah will fix it" or some other notion we carry that keeps us hanging in there. I think for most of us, that passes and we just cannot fake it any more.

    On the other hand, we have close family/friends who admit they are just "faking it". They know the religion is all total BS, but it is the fabric of their lives that gives them friends, social standing, etc. They'll never leave. They are not doing anything (much) against WT Rules, so they can "have their cake and eat it too" -- they maintain their social connections and business connections, but they don't feel pressured to do anything more than "token" attendance or Field Circus (at Starbucks with friends). Little things that they don't like about it (such as no gambling) they just ignore and go to Casinos away from home where they won't be spotted.

    We discussed it, but decided we could not "fake it" without hating ourselves. It really is difficult to replace all those "friends" you have lost. Real friends are not "automatic" like the ones you get just for attendance at the KHall. Still, who really wants to sit through even one more snore-fest of a meeting? I'm sure someone would catch my eyes rolling at the BS being spouted and I'd end up in the backroom star chamber.

  • Sanchy

    Today, she is often more negative than I am about it all.

    Sounds like my wife as well.. completely out and disgusted by anything JW related. Like you, my kids will be raised free of all this non-sense.


  • stuckinarut2

    Bumped .

    Yes, for those with still-in family, we never know how things will progress!

    Keep your Dignity Poise and Grace and they will be sure to see things for themselves...even if they never admit it.

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