Oh, nice! It looks like you were able to separate the cross-reference letters too!?
Comprehensive NWT Comparison Project (calling all technically skilled members)
by Apognophos 223 Replies latest watchtower bible
This thread is fascinating. You may need to extract hyphenation also - that should be easy enough to do.
Very impressive stuff MeanMrMustard - I know I would have given up by now.
Analyzing the collection of changes should lay bare the agenda for such change.
Hi MeanMrMustard,
I admire your dedication to this. If you don't get it with the PDF (it seems problematic) there is another way to access the text of the NNWT...
Install the JWLibrary on an Adroid device.
If you don't have a rooted device, use APK Extractor (a Play Store app) to move the APK file to a folder on the phone that has user access.
Copy jwlibrary.APK to a folder on a computer using a usb cable.
Download apktool from https://code.google.com/p/android-apktool/
Use apktool on JWLibrary.APK (cmd prompt, go to the directory that contains JWLibrary.apk and issue "apktool d jwlibrary.apk jwlibrary" without the quotes) It takes a few minutes depending on the speed of your computer (the baskmaling process takes a while)
Go to the newly created directory that apktool was so kind for you to create (jwlibrary if you used the above apktool parameters) and navigate to the assests directory.
In the assets directory there's nwt_E.jwpub file. Rename it to nwt_E.zip (it's as easy as that, no encryption).
Extract the "contents" file out of nwt_E.zip into the assests folder. (You can copy it to any folder).
Rename the contents file to "contents.zip" (again no encryption).
Open contents.zip and extract nwt_E.db (we have a database :) into a folder.
The database is a sqlite database so you'll need http://www.sqlite.org/download.html to extract the contents.
I'm pretty sure my instructions can be followed by someone that can post nwt_E.db to a filesharing/hosting site if you don't have access to an Android device.
I`m waiting with baited breath, as to the outcome of this fascinating topic .I hope its not in vain .I`ve just about had enough of false expectations .
It turns out that the actual contents of the table (nwt_E.db) is an encrypted hex as an example:
INSERT INTO "bible_verse" VALUES(31193,'<span class="vl">21</span>',X'36D76E4B872B0901D1368D804B7E76CCC3B503BFF0D297F24466FA6CB4279EADBE5609D0BAAB3EA1EACED053947E91DD3E20F327F3BA6FC935A7ADEEF3C003DE53C3A11F600FEE1859D8D91512E6AF320AE7617215B53863E2B9BBB76D2CA754171073EFC730D65353DAC83079D79E29');
Haven't figured out where the key for it is stored as yet.
So PDF seems to be the only viable option so far, sorry for the false alarm.
Ask bethel already. Those people are there to help with Bible education. It's their raison d'ĂȘtre.
Awesome!! A very cool idea. You know, you might still have it yet, but perhaps you didn't take it far enough. My guess is that the WT doens't really care if people get access to the content, so they wouldn't encrypt it. I think they were looking for a way to encode the type of characters that they need to display - all the accent characters n' such. So, they encode the java unicode strings as a series of hex ascii characters. There are standard algorithms for encoding and decoding to "hex", and I wonder what would happen if you took one of those hex strings and just passed it through an algorithm for decoding (probably in java).
Let me ask you this: I noticed the code you pasted above is an INSERT statment. Can you just do a select on the bible_verse table and paste the hex string for one of those verses? I wonder if I can send it through some functions to see if it comes out with actual text.
That would be much more preferrable than the PDF - since it would most likely be all formatted for us. Very cool contribution.
"Analyzing the collection of changes should lay bare the agenda for such change."
Well, I think we would have some more work to do after we have the comprehensive list of changes. What I've been seeing so far is that pretty much every verse is different in some way. Most of the changes revolve around fixing the NWTv1's wierd verb tenses. Most of these changes are't going to catch anyone's attention. I've noticed some patterns so far:
1) The brackets around inserted words are dropped, thereby making it look like the inserted words were in the original. This to me is a very insidious change.
2) They make no attempt to convey plural on hebrew pronouns with full caps. So, I don't see "YOU" anymore. The meaning being: "you all"/"all of you people"/whatever. Now it is just "you". This is no big deal to me.. but hey, its a pattern I see.
So, I've asked this question a few times, and it is worth asking again. Imagine that we had, right now, all the information we want. Imagine we have the two NWT versions and we do a WinMerge on each verse, producing an awesome outout detailing the differences with each verse - QUESTION: what do you want to do with that? Since there are differences in pretty much each verse, what should we do with our "difference database"? How do we categorize these differences in order to come up with meaningful changes?