Very clever, Simon. Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Apologies for outage
by Simon 35 Replies latest forum announcements
I need to get a grip. When I couldn't access the site, I immediately pictured the Watchtower's mean-spirited machinations at work - and a mad panic swept over me. It was good that I could turn to my second favorite site for instant gratification, Dusty Does Dallas.
LOL, I went straight to Freeminds and JWFACTS to see if you left a message
lettin' us know what happened
If the site is down for any extended period I think the safe assumption is that something technical happened and either I haven't noticed yet or am working on it.
Should there ever be a situation where the site was going to be down for an extended period or there was something serious happening I would put the word out to other sites so people know what is happening.
It's just sods law that things like that happen right after I go to bed.
stop going to bed is my advice. :-)
the trouble with site monitoring is that you have to deal with the alarms - as it stands you have had a good nights kip and no harm done...
stop going to bed is my advice. :-)
Obviously, that is the natural solution ; )
I think most people know that you are working on the site, so if it goes down, it is due to something technical.
Was a bit worried myself this morning. There was no .net at all and the .com would not let me post or anything.
I have to say I'd be a little lost without this site and my daily fix of TTATT. Thanks Simon for all the work in keeping it up and running. This is such an important resource for so very many people.
Thanks Simon for all your work on this site, and I hope you get it gets in the clouds.
the trouble with site monitoring is that you have to deal with the alarms - as it stands you have had a good nights kip and no harm done...
yeah, I think my family motto should be "meh, it can wait" (but in Latin to sound more impressive and high-falootin')
I hope you get it gets in the clouds
It's winging it's way there as we speak. Actually, the posts and message text has already been moved to Amazon S3 some time ago (without anyone noticing, yay!) but I'm now working on moving the metadata into Amazon DynamoDB along with some of the smaller posts and messages to cut down on S3 costs.
Once it's done we'll effectively have unlimited storage and the ability to dial performance up and down as needed as well as it being easier to have more servers running to ensure availability.
Except when Amazon Web Services have an outage but then half the web normally goes down so I don't feel so much like a slacker then.
It says something about how popular a site is when a 0.1% (or less) downtime gets noticed.
I did feel a little like an addict who couldn't get his fix last night.
A big thankyou to Simon and the JWN community for facilitating so many life's journeys and so much psychological healing.