Jehovah's Witnesses Store Hildago, Mexico
by Watchtower-Free 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
How can the WT justify this type of preaching? No where in the bible states that first century christians had stores for preaching about Jesus...
The WBT$ will be getting into anything that Makes Money..
This is the new way of tactics by our friends of Watchtower corporation.
If plan A (preaching) doesn't work anymore, implement plan B.
They aren't selling stuff are they? Isn't it supposed to be free? Maybe it is like a Christian Science reading room? (never been in one so I have no idea if they sell stuff or just loan like a library)
They're spreading their concept ...
Oh stop whining. We beat 'em up when they continue to trudge door to door bringing in fewer and fewer converts and then beat 'em up again for trying to be innovative. Credit to the JWs for taking a more flexible approach to placing product.
The Bible also says nothing about DVDs - but they're proliferating like mad.
Please find something worthier of your need to exercise your moan gene.
Guys, they're not making money. Do you know what "gratis" means? It's an English word too ;-)
I am so torn on this. I want to 100% agree with Steve2 above. If JW's want to stand in some store instead of ringing my bell, I love it. I can avoid such a store just as much as I could avoid a jewelry store or an electronics store.
But on the negative side, I don't like efforts to continue searching for new ways to reach new people with a dangerous mind-control cult message. If I didn't say anything negative about an obscure store in Hildago, Mexico, then must I be silent when they put a booth up at the airport or at a college? When they get their free literature moving by including a "Starbucks" atmosphere (coffee sales and free wifi) in these stores, am I going to continue silently?
Sure, you can avoid the "Watchtower-bucks" coffee shop with free literature. But the coffee is pretty low-priced and they give you those DVD's for free. And while there, you can pop onto the internet and tweet your friends.
So- Sorry Steve2. Speaking up now against their new efforts is very appropriate.
I notice they had one of their animated videos on. If they show the Sparlock video, that would be great, people can see what whack a doodles the Jehovah's Witnesses are for abusing their children and throwing innocent toys in the trash.