Hear Ye!!!Hear Ye!! WONDERFUL GOOD NEWS!!!!

by mouthy 60 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Bangalore

    Great news,Mouthy.


  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    Mouthy, that's fantastic news!

    I'm struck by how sad it is that something that would be a normal family communication ends up being a big deal because of the WTS hurtful policy. And they say it doesn't destroy families???

  • NeverKnew

    Oh, Mouthy I am sooo happy for you! I'll be praying that she enjoyed talking to her mom again and that the veil covering the eyes to her mind will wear thin.

    Love ya!

  • kjg132

    So glad you heard from your daughter <3 that is wonderful

  • Frazzled UBM
    Frazzled UBM

    Fantastic news - hopefully this is the beginning of you re-establishing a relationship - int he same way that Witnesses see life-threatening illness as an opportunity so it cna work the other way. Amazing that she has a UBM but still shunned you for being an apostate!

  • Captain Blithering
    Captain Blithering

    Hey good on yer Mouthy!

    Ain't it ridiculous that we have to congratulate a family for talking to each other. Ludicrous.

    BTW I heard your voice the other day, you'd phoned in to a podcast I've been listening to, BTR healing/outreach or something.. Good to hear you!

  • poppers

    It's always refreshing to hear good news of any sort, and this is especially good news for you, granny. I am happy for you.

  • BU2B

    This is wonderful news Mouthy!! I am so glad for you, thanks for sharing! :)

  • kurtbethel

    That is so awesomely great, that I can think of nothing else to add to it.

  • mouthy

    Thanks all. Yes I am thrilled ...I am leaving her 1st call on my answering machine so I can hear her voice when I am down I better not call her back to soo. But Now DAN HALLS BOOK About Grannys at Aramggeddon.I just listened to it She may cut me off again.Wish I could post it on line scary
    it is at


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