It's also true that jw's are more like work colleagues than brothers/sisters. She certainly does not care for you, she cares for Jehovah incorporated.
Email conversation with a colleague
by zakharijah 17 Replies latest jw experiences
I know a "sister righteous" and she counselled me a few times too. She ( told me not to wear white socks because people would "think I was gay"
None of the gay men that I know would ever wear white socks; they're way too fashionable (well except at the gym, I suppose, where they do spend quite a bit of time).
One of the nicer JW email exchanges i've seen.
agree that this could have gone the other way completely. She seems "genuinely" concerned. I could be waaay off but is she a recent convert? I often found that the ones that were that way inclined were the recently converted rather than the born ins, who (in my experience) were far more easy going about those sort of things.
@USofWhatever No she's been in the "truth" for a long time. I don't know exactly how long or if she's a born-in as I don't know her very well. I couldn't really tell if she was genuinely concerned either, but I know she likes to gossip and tell others how they should live their own lives, although her own family life isn't really up to the org's standards.
I think, given her belief system, she went about this the right way.
Sammy Jenkis
She seemed nice, mark as spam.
She wasn't brought up as a Witness, but she's been in it a long time, since her late teens, I think.