What color is your bible?

by Faithful Witness 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • DS211

    Is that bible racism? Perhaps a freudian slip harbouring coveted prejudice? I do wonder tho....they must mean the old FDS is evil and dark since theirs was black too. ridiculous.

  • Dis-Member

    I tried to order a new Bible at the hall once and waited for 6 months but it never arrived. When I asked the literature servant why not he told me that one of the elders cancelled my order without ever telling me. They let me line up at the counter twice a week for months and no one told me it had been cancelled.

    When I found out I was livid. I went home and stacked up every single piece of literature I had.. about 20 books and Bibles, brought them all to the hall and dumped the lot on the literature counter with he words: "if you don't want me to have a Bible then take all this back too.. I want none of it, you can keep your books"

    I stopped reading the societies literature that day.

    I used to use an American Standard Bible that my mother gave me to meetings. Reading that one made me feel closer to God than ever the NWT did.

    A short while after I quit meetings entirely. I dis-fellowshipped them all with a single axe fell.

  • KWJoe

    I haven't had one for 20 years

  • losingit

    I used to love my red/burgundy bible with the gold. I have no clue where it is. I still have the large ones, the ones with the footnotes. I have one black one left. And I'm happy to say I have an NIV. I'm happy bc I'm done with reading WT anything.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Mine will soon be charcoal and crispy after I burn the bastard thing along with all my other WT publications in my book bag and the briefcase itself!

    Crackle crackle crackle.

  • losingit

    Witness My Fury- I burnt my blood card!

  • SadElder

    I still have the two large print NWT's that I used. Both bound in a nice goatskin, one brown, one black. They handled nicely on the platform. My other bible's are in a plethora of colors.

  • bigmac

    i havent had a bible since 1980. or been frightened of the demunz.

  • FirstLastName

    I have a red/maroon one with gold leaf pages.

    Funny story how I got it.

    I had a bad habit of bitting my nails as a 8 year old. Nothing would get me to stop. My mom thought it would be a great idea for her to wrap a gift and place it on my dresser in my bedroom, so that everytime I wanted to bite my nails, I would look at the gift and be incetivised to stop. The deal was after I stopped biting my nails and they healed, I could open the gift. I looked at the gift for what seemed like weeks!!!! Was it a Barbie? A My Little Pony?

    Finally my nails were healed and my mom gave me the okay to open the gift I had been coveting for weeks ! Whatt could it be??? Yes, you may have guessed already, a maroon bible with gold leaf pages. Just what ever 8 year old wants and desires. I started biting my nails again immediately.

  • baltar447

    Nah, all the outsiders can download the app and look even cooler.

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