Conspiracy theories.

by chrisuk 49 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • chrisuk

    Hi haboob48, I was never a JW. I was a long term study, I studied the Bible teach book and the Gods love book but I never took the plunge. I was/am however pretty damn indoctrinated, I still believe some of the things the JW's teach but there's lots I don't agree with.

    As regards to my OP on this thread it's mainly a case of watching too many youtube video's and reading way..too much crap. Thanks for your reply.

  • crossquestions6995

    chrisuk .... I know that this is not a poplular side of the argument on this forum, but your original post is RIGHT ON!!! The questions you are asking are the right ones and YES satan is behind all of it. You can take out the words "conspiracy theories" and "illuminati" cuz we have been trained by media to disregard and count the people that use these terms as "crazy". But if u are a christian and believe the bible is accurate then the fact that this world is "in the power of the wicked one" and he runs all government and powers. He would obviously have had a lot of time to plan how he will organize the world to wage war on God at Armagedon. the "ILLUMINATI" is how this is being done. Its not one groupbut a large collection of all the different powers that have submitted themselves knowingly or unwittingly to fufill Satans plans. And ur question about if the witnesses are involved YES all you have to do is look at C.T. Russells grave and then look at the back of the dollar bill. Satan always leaves his mark on everything he owns.

    Please look more into the topic you started this thread with because u are going in the right direction. And u are getting into the MEAT of spiritually things and leaving the MILK behind. Its a rough road trust me. Its a subject matter that people are to afraid to explore and there are a lot of pitfalls so dont trust everything u read about "conspiracy theories" but the holy spirit will help u and guide u if you are honestly seeking the truth.

    This topic is actually what got me out of the witnesses and closer to God than I have ever been. So feel free to ask any questions or message me cuz its a rabbit hole thats hard to navigate.

    It makes me REALLY HAPPY to see that God has opened ur eyes to this. Dont let peoples opinions deture you from looking further into the truth.

    Your brother in Christ


  • cofty

    Hi Julian welcome to JWN.

    Why do you believe there is such a being as Satan?

  • respectful_observer

    If the Watchtower IS a conspiracy, it's certainly not a very successful one...considering they have only fooled less than 0. 05% of the world's population.

  • crossquestions6995

    Thank you :D Cofty

    I would say there is a few reasons I believe in a "being" Satan

    1. The biblical/ historical records. Along with different cultures mythology/theology/ verbal and written records

    2. Personal experience of demonic attack (physically). And the power to stop it in Jesus name

    3. Researching into the occult/ secret societies/ UFO deception/ and governments. They strongly believe and worship Satan and push foward his plans for a wold gov/ religion/ and eventually a war against God

    4. Personal belief based on an overwhelming cashe of evidence (in my opinion)

    Cofty... Im assuming you dont believe in a "being" Satan. If Im correct, what brought u to your conclusion?

  • cofty

    Cofty... Im assuming you dont believe in a "being" Satan. If Im correct, what brought u to your conclusion?

    I was a born-again christian for almost a decade after I left the Watchtower. I am now an atheist who does not believe in anything supernatural.

    It was a gradual process of adopting an evidence-based view of the world.

    Science explains life, the universe and everything. There is no job for a creator to do since evolution accounts for all of it without any need for a higher power.

    The question of human suffering and the "hiddenness of god" make it highly unlikely he/she exists.

    The bible shows no evidence of any supernatural influence - on the contrary it is ethically appalling.

    Personal experiences of supernatural forces are far easier explained by psychology.

    That's it in a nutshell, I am happy to discuss any of that further if you wish. JWN is a great place to have ideas and beliefs challenged. Keep an open mind, a thick skin and stand up for yourself.

  • crossquestions6995


    Satan casts a bunch of different nets of deception for different groups. It doesnt need to be a certain % of the population to qualify as a "conspitlracy". If one person Is mislead then Its a succesfull deception and 7 million is a pretty decent amount caught in the JW net.

  • crossquestions6995

    Cofty.... I definatly would like to explore the athiestic reasoning.

    I think u should honestly and openmindedly expolre all sides of the argument.

    Personally I really love science and am facinated by it and how it explains and quantifies a wold that was intelegently designed by a creator. And as far as the supernatural patt of the equasion, I find it hard to discount the testimony of millions of peoples experience with the spiritual relm as mental dillusions. Especially when there is physical evidence to acompany it

  • cofty

    I think u should honestly and openmindedly expolre all sides of the argument.

    As I said I was a born-again christian for almost a decade. There is very little I don't know about theism in theory and in practice.

    wold that was intelegently designed by a creator

    Why do you think we need to inject an intelligent creator when evolution fully explains it all?

    Especially when there is physical evidence to acompany it

    I would like to know more about that. Rather than get this thread off-topic why not start a new one on that subject?

  • crossquestions6995


    Sorry I didnt punctuate my response very well lol. I was frefering to ME looking into athism openminded and honestly since I only have superficial knowlege of that perspective.

    Btw good idea on not derailing the thread. Thats very considerate (as u can tell im new to this forum thing))

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