In my 50+ years as a JW I have never been aware of them EVER having a campaign
concentrating on distributing Bibles. Their "preaching" is totally about their own
man made publications and recruiting new members .
The United Bible Societies is made up of 146 Bible Societies operating in over 200 countries and territories. Together, they are the biggest translator, publisher and distributor of the Bible in the world.
Do Jehovah's Witnesses REALLY believe the bible is the most important spiritual food
by Watchtower-Free 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
W.F I was in for over 50 years too. One time I remember a C.O telling us that all we needed was a Bible when we went from Dto D.
Not many of the Bros took up his suggestion, myself and another bro did, for a while, but we were left with the feeling that though we had read Scriptures to people it wasn't leading anywhere. Thank goodness it wasn't, now I look back. Simply reading verses does not a cult member make.
You are right, the Bible is not distributed by them in any large way, what many JW's call their "Bible work" consists of pushing WT literature, and a WT Bible will only be "placed" if a person requests it, or starts "studying" and their own version throws up too many awkward questions.
The problem is that JWs believe that in order to be saved you have to join their Organisation and accept their teachings as true. This will never happen from just reading the bible, and they know it, so giving out bibles without accompanying literature would not be considered worthwhile.
Don't they believe that spiritual food is what the GB (the FDS) gives out to them?
Other sects of christianity may think that the bible is the most important (or only) source of spiritual food though. Even though there is only one source of spiritual food that we are supposed to eat and drink from... and that is Christ.
Stand for Pure Worship
There's not another organization on this planet that encourages people to read the Bible as does Jehovah's Witnesses. Our literature and study aids are not designed to replace the Bible, but rather to expound upon God's written word. We don't rely upon our own reasoning. Instead, before making any decision, we take into account God's thoughts on matters at hand and we encourage others to do the same. Name another organization that expounds upon the Bible at people's homes free of charge? You cannot, for there are none.
Oh boy, here we go. Shall I rise to SFPW's bait ? Nah, these kind of arguments have been done to death on here.
As I said on another thread ,SFPW, do you really want us to spell out the failings and shortcomings of the WT ?
Pure Worship, are you for real?
Name another organization that expounds upon the Bible at people's homes free of charge.....SFPW
There are No JW Bible Studys..
JWs study WBT$ Literature about the Bible..
The Free WBT$ JW Bible Study is a Bait and Switch..
Stand for Pure Worship
The thing is Phizzy, there's no need to focus on distrubuting Bibles. There's no shortage of Bibles throughout the earth. There is a shortage on understanding what's in the Bible however. That's where we come in at. Think of how ignorant so called Christians were about passages in the very book that might have been in their house for years! Besides if we ever became aware of someone needing a Bible, we gave them one. Prior to the revised NWT being released, it was no secret there was a shortage of English language Bibles. However, congregations that focused on other languages such as Chinese, or Nepalese, those congregations had tons of Bibles in those languages. Why? Well it wasnt because there was a shortage of paper weights. I imagine the distribution of the NWT in non-Western lands dwarfs that of Western lands.
The biggest "shortage of understanding what is in the Bible" is amongst JW's. They only have what the WT tells them the Bible says, which is far removed from what it actually says.