Dubs & Halloween

by Nathan Natas 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Comatose

    Lol! Handing out bible tracts to trick or treaters and they love it?? For some reason I'm skeptical.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I like Halloween this is the third year I'm dressing up

  • troubled mind
    troubled mind


    This is my front yard now ! Raised as a JW ,but we love doing this now .

  • LisaRose

    I don't believe in demons, so Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I sometimes dress up just to hand out Halloween candy. It seems everyone in town comes to my neighborhood, we have run out of candy two years in a row, so this year I am going to be prepared with plenty of candy. There isn't a lot of young children, so obviously they are coming from all over. think it is because our neighborhood is known for doing a lot of decorations. There is just something wonderful about seeing the little kids in their costumes, and how happy they are. I hated hiding out in the house, afraid to turn on a light, how silly that was. The dubs sure managed to take the fun out of everything, didn't they?

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    A inactive JW posted the first photo. Her family is a mix of still in, disfellowshipped, inactive but sleeping with new boyfriend yet divorced from hubby, Pioneer sibling, former elder, convicted pedofile uncle etc. (No one shuns anyone either) Tried to see if she knew TTATT a couple months ago...didn't at that time...maybe now?

    It's our first everything this year!

  • AlphaMan

    Halloween is about having fun and enjoying life......nothing else.

  • skeeter1

    Troubled Mind, Your light show is awesome. Love that used Michael Jackson's Thriller. So, how did you do this? What do you use to synch the lights with the music?


  • problemaddict

    Dude have you guys seen how many comments that mem has gotten on facebook? Good Lord!

  • not bitter
    not bitter

    My parents always put a flyer in their window saying 'No Trick or Treaters at this house please. Enjoy your evening'

    But do they abide by signs on peoples doors stating 'no uninvited callers here please' - No they don't

  • garyneal
    Lol! Handing out bible tracts to trick or treaters and they love it?? For some reason I'm skeptical.


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