RAY- Very excellent video. Thanks for sharing Daniel Hall's book excerpts with us. As my non-JW wife just told me she has " never seen any other religions push HATE so much as Jehovah's Witnesses and use the word " hate " so much. You would think that God is above that human emotion of hate. " I agree.
My heart goes out to examples of people you read about and to Barbara & Joe Anderson for the 12 years of shunning they have experienced from their son, his wife and their grandchildren. I myself as most here know have experienced about 10 years of shunning by my two JW adult daughters as if I don't exist also. Unless one has experienced this- I don't feel you can thoroughly understand the hurt emotions a person goes through. It's like a slow torture of life passing you by- without any resolution to the broken relationships. We can only hope that these mind controlled children of ours will someday experience WT injustices themselves and the veil of blindness to WT evils will be lifted and they'll regain their total authentic free thinking minds again. Until that time I remain patient and will be here to catch my daughters once they bolt for freedom of mind.
I might mention that I find it a good thing that Barbara and Joe's son resigned as an elder. It's a first step perhaps. So hopefully he was feeling pressures he couldn't deal with or abide with and it may lead him to start questioning things. I can only hope for Barbara andJoe's sake that this will happen. And for the grandchildrens sake as well. Love & hugs to you both Joe & Barbara- I feel you, and anybody else going through this. Thanks again Ray, well done my friend