Read God's Word Along With The Watchtower And Awake Daily And Stay Away From Blood Transfussion Because Jehovah Really Hates It! (Makes Him Sad)
The Watchtower Bible and Tract Societys Publishing Buildings Caption in Brooklyn, New York, is STATING A LIE!!
by The Truth Shall Set Us FREE! 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
Welcome TTSSUF, interesting point.
Channel those powerful feelings in positive ways- looking forward to more posts from you!
The Truth Shall Set Us FREE!
True! Thank you for your Caring Christian input!
Thank you for your welcome greeting :-)
I didn't know it was recently painted over. I haven't been to New York for quite some time...
Thank you for the information!
I second that
…so even the daily Bible reading is gone...
If you have a dentist that thinks that you really only need a certain mouthwash,
and the dentist eventually will try to convince you only to use the mouthwash and put your toothbrush in a drawer,
as the dentist states that you get all that you need from the mouthwash in order to clean your teeth,
then you will soon discover that your teeth will rut,
and you will agree that the dentist was lying to you...
Additionally, if the dentist was not mentioning the toothpaste that you need to use alongside the toothbrush either, in order to get a purified mouth,
I am sure that you would be very angry at the dentist for lying by omission… The consequence was rotten and dead teeth!
That said I never knew that dentists were coming to peoples doorsteps trying to convince them of how to perform their mouth-hygiene…
Is it a new trend among dentists in your area to go door to door telling people how to clean their teeth?
Is really an analogy with a toothbrush and mouth-rinse worthy of Pure Worship?
As I stated earlier, I was not aware...
So thank you very much for the link. I just saw it...
…so even the daily Bible reading is gone...
Deceving is what the WTS does best.
Great to see you here TTSSUF... and good post
Looking forward to reading more of your 'stuff'
A moniker for open unregulated Charlatanism in America.
The WTS. is one of the oldest and expansive religious publishing houses in the world.
But of course there were a surmountable of bogus coercive doctrines to attract the publics attention to make it continually grow and expand.
was an elder once, a good comment of yours.
If all jws knew what is really there to read in the bible, their exit would be easier when their time comes.
An elder here "joked" that some would cover the "weekly bible reading assignment" on "Family--worship night", rather than WT material.
all the wt doctrine contradicting text can be highlighted on that night by asking "Field Ministry" related/ loaded questions like:
this text, Col 1:13 seems to say that the kingdom was established in Pauls day, not in 1914, so,-- if a householder brings that up, what would you say?
this is wt sanctioned family worship.
using the bible not daily, but
weekly weakening watchtower's worth.
Note from december 2013: I found that God not let in confussion. He have not rush of the whole Bible be understand 100% immediately . I n fact, daniel said that in the end time would understand many things . However , leaving that Christians understand from the first century on, has been enough to worship him sincerely.