First welcome to the board for whatever reason you are here. If you are here to criticize us, so be it, if you have doubts then look around. I just want you to do some research on a member who used to be here named "you know". He was a staunch supporter of JWs and never hesitated to let apostates know what drivel they were. Look up his name in the member section and click topics started and see for yourself. A few years later he discovered that the society was an NGO member to the UN and even he realized the hypocrisy. While to this day I'm sure he still considers us drivel, after reading his posts here, hop over to the web site and see what happened to him. You see we don't tell lies, or twist, or half truths. The society does all that for us. We tell the truth about them. In any case, have a look.
A message for Stand For Pure Worship
by SloppyJoe 12 Replies latest jw friends
nice comment but i think Stand isn't serious.
I think he's a stand up guy! His posts are satirical.
'You Know' is Robert King?
I will add my .02 here, I just took a look at your thread about unity.
Jehovah's Witnesses are united only by virtue of the tyranical power of the elders and governing body. Unity of thought and speech is easy to obtain if you bully your membership and remove everybody who disagrees. The ones that are left are either incapable of thinking for themselves or terrified to say what they think. This is not unity, or love of God and your brothers in action, ts life with a boot on your neck.
We may be rowdy and disunified in our speech and actions but at the end of the day we actually care about each other. Members of this board have offered encouragement and even financial assistance to those in need. We do so because we care about our friends (even the ones we disagree with), not beacuse we'll get called into the back room if we don't. Here, you will find something never seen in a Kingdom Hall, genuine help and affection for all.
As I said before...SFPW is either a master satirist or an insanely rabid JW apologist. I am starting to think the latter as the satirical trolling is getting old.
perhaps he is 'recovery' who dissappeared awhile ago.
Perhaps he is just 'mentally diseased'.
I think he's a whole stand up routine. He's very good.
Captain Obvious
nope he's not Recovery, I don't think. Recovery was much better read and spoken. He at least made an attempt to refute our arguments. Who knows what happened to him, but he was one of the ones who, despite his arrogance actually had something to say. SFPW is just a troll. Don't feed the troll.