Can holy spirit get through electronic devices now? :p
JW iPad app
by besty 17 Replies latest watchtower bible
I cant wait for tales of....
" So i prayed to god and randomly tapped at my ipad with my eyes closed and amazingly the screen landed on John chapter 3. ....."
Does any tech-savvy poster know, can the WTBTS piggy-back spyware onto this app? Could they get web search and browswer histories from this?
I'm thinking the GB control-freaks have gotta' be pretty upset about things like BOE letters being posted here the very day they are printed, R&F JWs posted to this and other blogs things from meetings like the AGM as they are happening.
Just a thought.
Faithful Witness
Oubliette: I don't know, but I am not risking it. We assume privacy we do not have, in many every day situations. I do not install apps or software from companies I do not trust.
Oubilette said-
Does any tech-savvy poster know, can the WTBTS piggy-back spyware onto this app? Could they get web search and browswer histories from this?
I'm thinking the GB control-freaks have gotta' be pretty upset about things like BOE letters being posted here the very day they are printed, R&F JWs posted to this and other blogs things from meetings like the AGM as they are happening.
Just a thought.
Nah, I think that's being a bit paranoid (and overestimating the importance that apostates have on the GB, who are not exactly staying awake at nights worrying about sites like JWN).
The WT burying spyware functionality inside the app would be a HUGE public scandal which likely also would violate Apple's terms and conditions, as well as Fed privacy laws (if not disclosed in the license).
I just can't imagine the WTBTS would be that stoopid (sic) and reckless, since they don't need to invade anyone's privacy via an App Store app: they just rewrite the RNWT Bible (eg 1 Cor 6:9) to control their member's sexual practices that way. When you control people's lives by controlling the wording of the Bible itself, and they ALLOW you to invade their privacy (lack of personal boundaries), you don't need to mess around with spyware.
Oubilette - Every app on the Apple store is checked for such spyware/adware by very experianced coders, if anything is found the app either isn't pusblished onto the store or it's removed. As for them trying to pull of such tactics on Windows, they'd never get away with it. They would have to create something that slipped past every antivirus, firewall and other security products. They might get away with it for a while but sooner or later somethings gonna flag the spywar, then there's trouble, big trouble!
Jehovah and his guiding spirit infused the IPad concept into Steve Jobs mind so that he would create the IPad
to be used by his loyal servants the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Just to add that for an app to get internet history and other info it would need administrator access, and for that to happen the iPhone would need to be jailbroken and the app would still need to be granted admin rights.