I've seen JWs face mortality and I've seen non-Jws face mortality. Here are my observations: JWs aren't usually afraid of it because they don't believe they'll get tortured in hell for a mistake. But, I've noticed they're a lot more averse to it, because they are told all their lives it is not natural and they will never die. They feel like by dying they're being cheated out of life, and therefore are disappointed and a bit scared. Non JWs I've noticed will fight just as hard as JWs to avoid dying, like getting treatment and eating well, but they're more sanguine about it when the time approaches, if they know their affairs are in order, accepting death as part of life.
But of course these are just generalisations. Everyone handles his or her mortality differently. Read Cancer Ward by Solzhenitsyn as it narrates many characters and how they deal with death: some scared, some depressed, some feel cheated, some are prepared for it and see it as something inevitable. I think with JWs not seeing it as inevitable like non-JWs, I know for my part, I feared it more as a JW than I do now.