I left the Org in 2008, a few months after the letter re. the abolishment of home book studies was read. Back then the Org was riding a cusp, particularly locally in the Glasgow, UK area; many foreign language groups had been started (I was part of the Farsi one in Glasgow for a while), a few foreign language congregations had been started.
But now I know that behind closed doors the WTBTS was starting to fight fires in terms of the child abuse cases.
How much of a toll have they really had on the resources of the corporation? And with no end to them in sight, I can only imagine further claw backs sanctioned.
Is the WTBTS moving more "mainstream", as high-control religious groups go? Are they trying to draw their head back in, what with no more tract campaigns denouncing all other religions and attacked big politics?
Does the Governing Body intend to keep flexing its control over the R&F, while minimising the religion's already tiny footprint, keeping it out of the news - below the radar, so to speak- all the while gradually lightening the expectations of works on the R&F (ie. numerous meeting attendance and double-digit ministry hours), reinventing themselves as a religion for families who just want a secure, moral framework to bring their kids up in (from the outside, at least)?
The foreign language field, I'd have to imagine, is shrinking, and I'm seeing more and more "ministry carts" popping up in big cities; is the emphasis moving away from actually speaking to people at their doors to just standing on a street, hoping "interested ones" will approach? Such a tactic lessens the public's consciousness of the religion; they aren't at the doors on a Saturday morning, they just blend in with the street architecture in city centres?