by ADJUSTMENTS 22 Replies latest watchtower bible


    It irks me when I read in the watchtower do not use secular sources or the Internet to do research... But in that very same WT it will quote a secular source or literature to prove a point! HOW HYPOCRITICAL!!! It's all apart of their limited information mind control! I wish I would have seen the "truly bright light" and found sights like this earlier! But I know God has taken me this far and he will take me further in his own due time.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    That's what mind-control systems and cults do. It's what North Korea does.

  • Oubliette

    It irks me when I read in the watchtower do not use secular sources or the Internet to do research... But in that very same WT it will quote a secular source or literature to prove a point!

    And it SHOULD irk you.

    Obviously they only select matarial from secular sources that are in agreement with what they want you to know. But it does send these not-too-subtle messages:

    • The WT leadership does not trust you,
    • You are not qualified to read this stuff, we are; and
    • We are better than you!

    Implicit in all of this is the fear that you might discover something they don't want you to know

  • prologos

    Dan 12: 4 "--- many [WT WRITERS] will go rove about [among worldly scources*] and true knowledge will become abundant--"

    how to stop the irk? do as they do and


    *that did the heavy lifting, the roving.

  • Flg8ter

    The R&F think and are trained to think that "they did all the research for us, so we don't have to!" Very sad and VERY controlling!!

  • whathappened

    It has been noted that the Watchtower publications take quotes out of context to boost their viewpoinprominent wouldn't want you to research this yourself and see it with your own eyes would they?

  • wasblind

    " The New York Times Magazine said : The Witnesses impressed New Yorkers not only with thier numbers, but with thier diversity ( They include people from all walks of life), their racial unself-consciousness ( Many Witnesses are Negroes) and their quiet, orderly behavior."___Reasoning from the Scriptures book page 305

    LOL, Are they sayin' black folks don't know how to act ?

    That seems to be the underlying view point

    This book I qoute from was printed in 1989.


  • designs

    Only the Wt. writers have that special anti-demonz ap to filter out the bad stuff on the internet.

  • Fernando

    Welcome ADJUSTMENTS!

  • blondie

    ADJJUSTMENTS, that's because the WTS believes they have the holy spirit which filters out the lies for us lowly ones who do not have the holy spirit.

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